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Avalon Fast reverse linear mount


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Hi All

Received my new kit yesterday, a Avalon fast reverse linear mount from ian king imaging, and also a TeleVue NP 101is from Green-witch.

The mount is amazing to look at, and i managed to get out last night for half a hour before the clouds rolled in, there was enough time to do a quick polar alignment and test out the slewing and a few goto;s.

The mount is very very quiet in the slewing department, you can hardly hear it, def wont be waking up any neighbours with this mount.

The goto;s wer very good putting a few targets either dead centre or just off centre, not bad considering my polar alignment was prob not very good.

The real test will be at Kelling heath i hope, and to try guiding and long exposure.

so a full review wil follow once i put the mount through its paces. Watch this space !!

here is a few photos of the kit


Paul j





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  • 2 months later...

Hi Paul, any more news on how your Avalon mount is performing? I am really interested in getting this mount (hoping to have a good look at it at Astrofest 2013)! It seems to have some nice features (such as the belt drive) which look to be worth the extra over worm gear based mounts, and the build quality looks great from the photos.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Paul81 and others

My mount has performed brill since the day i got it, its quiet, and the tracking and guiding are great, the big plus is the ease of how easy it is to set up, take a look at my stuff on flickr site, there is a typical guide readout using maxim dl.


I now use EQmod, and pulse guiding, and having no problems imaging at any subs i want.

Ian King imaging has also put a review of the Uno version on his website

Paul J

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Nice images Paul, I really liked the look of that mount when you had it up to Washington last week. Wouldn't mind seeing how my scope would sit on that sometime. To see how stable it would be. Purely out of interest of course if the wife is watching!


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Hi Graham

The Tec 140 would be fine lol, i had Dave kings 140 on it plus a 127mm triplet, a friends. The capacity for imaging is 20kg. be more for visual. You can get a extension bit for it, a bit like the ones for the eq6 that raises the mount head higher, stops long refractors hitting the tripod leg, i be getting one of these soon myself, and off course its in Red lol

hope this helps

be happy to bring it along to a meeting so you can look at it more indoors, just let me know


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  • 3 weeks later...


I recently posted a request regarding this mount. Paul, I see that you have this mount. I am considering getting either this mount or the

10 micron gm 1000 hbs. However, the cost of the micron is a little high. #i know you refer to its goto, but is it very accurate, once setup correctly on faint objects etc?



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