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Arctic Ice Shelf


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I do not know if anyone caught the latest news snippet on TV yesterday, from the Arctic Scientists, who have reported that the Ice shelf is melting over twice as fast as what they expected, if you think this has been a gloomy Summer for observing, then watch this space. They predict that the melt will no doubt bring about a shift in the jet stream position with the result that we could all look forward to a much more windy and wetter weather patterns. Grab and Go could well have a different meaning, in as take you kit abroad if you want some decent skies in time to come :mad:

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Remember those mild winters and hot summers we had in the '90s with fondness. That was the early stages of climate change. Now, with the shift in weather patterns, we are in the cool, wet and cloudy phase.

If you are looking for a business opportunity, umbrella manufacturing might be the way to go ;)

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I really don't understand some of the comments on that article. It's so utterly depressing.

As far as I can see there just isn't any debate over climate change any more, and not an awful lot that it's partially at least anthropogenic. Only last month a scientist who has been vociferously against climate change reported that as a result of research a team that he had put together had done, funded by organisations who are part of the anti climate change lobby, he admits that he is wrong, that it is happening, and that the best explanation is that we're one of the root causes. It's not solar activity, it's not part of the planet's natural climate change process, but us. And he's made their evidence and research available for people to review.

To deny it at this point just seems to be to be burying your head in the sand. To suggest that scientists have got it wrong, but even if it does happen then science will get us out of the problem is, frankly, bizarre.

But, I guess we live in an age where the mere ability to hold an opinion is sufficient to validate it, and whilst that situation persists we're not going to get anywhere.


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