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Needs a good kick!


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hello, i was wondering if any one could give me a good kick, iv been inactive last few weeks and i'll be honest i havent the foggiest reason why

im currently living in a fairly dark place with trees around me hiding 90% of the street lights in a industrial estate behind me (south) is nothing but green fields

i set the astrotrac up a week or so ago and i was that much out of tac with it i forgot simple things like double clicking play, and setting the timer up.

i still keep getting S@N but i keep forgetting to read them, iv got 2 months still in packaging:(

i think its the weather we have had (see proper british blaiming the weather:P) but i dont know. any ideas? and how to "fix me"

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Wait for the weather/skies to change for the better and maybe that will give you the 'kick' you need.

I've started to lose interest lately (and i havent even started stargazing properly yet) mainly due to the weather. Just getting fed up of going outside only to see nothing but clouds as usual. Then you hear on the grapevine there's a possibility of a clear night, have a look outside as its getting dark and its clear, come back inside and spend half hour or so looking for one or 2 easy targets via skymaps and stellarium only to go back outside to be greeted with clouds. To me it gets boring after a while and tho i'll probably end up regretting it, ive spent a chunk of my telescope funds on some ps3 games cos at least you can get to play them clouds or not, lol.

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Its not a good kick you need Gaz more of an electric shock :evil: ,but on a serious note...........,if your interest is waining a bit and you need a kick start,get your car fixed and come up Blaenavon i will show you Jupiter through my new scope............if that doesn't work nothing will :p ,

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lol thanks guys :) im not getting her fixed mat, she ate 2 distro caps and 4 spark plugs in 2 weeks, and still missing, her starters intermitent and we had to adapt a golf key to fit my locks and my ignition is a screw driver and igniton plug (which i take wit me to "immoblise" the car, so im buying a new one, its a toss up between a toyota starlet, corrola avenisis, or a passat and octavia

i cant wait to see through ur scope mat:) i have always liked the OO optics when i had mine for a short time.

thanks mr q iv actually got a proper account on NSN lol i look at it mainly when theres big events on as most of the time when i go on there no ones online, my fav person is snake valley cracking images on there

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I think gaz it's mostly the light nights and appalling weather to be honest. For what seems like an eternity I haven't been out then last Monday spent an hour in the garden with the scope and although out of practice and didn't see much I remembered why I enjoyed it so much. A few boys in work have asked to come observing with me, my summer travels are coming to an end, the nights are darkening, star party in october on the horizon,soon will make the group meets again and Orion is nearly back with us.....just so much to look forward to. Give it a couple of weeks and I'll give you a lift up to Trecastle again...the passion will soon return just clouding out at the moment I'm sure.

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i would imagine that would start me off again steve:P

oh and you didnt wave to me when i let you into the junction where your house was last week :( lol

i am looing forward to orion, i might set camera up on tripod and just see for some meteor shots while i "fault find" my astrotrac

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Gaz, I think you and all of us are really fed up with the cloudy skies day and night but especially night, summer demands a lot from amateur astronomers, we need to stay up late at least!

Lets hope that as the nights start closing in we'll be rewarded with some clear skies for our hobby that does give some remarkable returns for our efforts

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