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Good News, Bad News


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GOOD NEWS - The giant Cygnus mosaic is finished all 76 panels are in the bag.

BAD NEWS - Just as I was going to insert the memory stick to transfer last nights files, the laptop shut down and now wont restart, I think I'm going to cry.

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Oh my word, i feel you pain, I'm sure you can buy a connector from maplin that fit's on the laptops hard drive (once you've took it out) so you can plug a usb into it and plug it into another computer to download lost files.

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GOOD NEWS - Just remved the hard drive and dropped it into one of the kids laptops.........Files are now transfered to PC ....YES!!!!!

Just need a new laptop now.

Nice one, now get the image sorted of Cygnus and get it posted on here :p

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GOOD NEWS - Just remved the hard drive and dropped it into one of the kids laptops.........Files are now transfered to PC ....YES!!!!!

Just need a new laptop now.


When you get your new laptop (always supposing that your current one isn't a simple or cheap fix) it might be worth investing in an external drive. I don't use standard backup formats for data like this - they never seem to be backwards compatible after upgrades - so I just copy all the directories that hold my data across. Straight copies will always load into "something else".

Which reminds me.... :)

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Which reminds me.... :)

Indeed ... I had a problem with my desktop machine (where I process my images), a couple of weeks ago. First job when I managed to get up and running again was take a backup to an external drive.

Sent from my mobile using Tapatalk, so please excuse the speeling and granma! :)

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I normally have a usb stick or a network drive mounted up that I copy to during the session if I'm using the notebook. In fact there's probably an rsync util for windows that would let you set it up with the usb stick.

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In fact I do rather more....

I mainly work from my laptop these days - but I do the following

  1. Transfer COPIES of the directories that hold email, docs, images to my PC across the network
  2. Save the above to an external drive
  3. Every couple of months make an extra copy to DVD

I can step back (via DVD) to 2003 if I ever need to.

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Got a desk top in my obby, I just back up everything onto a USB pluggin hard drive, had a smilar issue with a laptop a few years ago, however it was the hard drive that packed up, lost everything, learn't my lesson the hard way.

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