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First Astrophoto - Criticism very welcome!

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This is my first attempt at Astrophotography, so I'm hoping some experienced eyes can help me make improvements in the future. I believe that the large crater is Archimedes and the line of mountainous terrain is the edge of the Mare Imbrium. I chose to stack the image without colour, because there were some unusual blue-green blobs visible on some of the mountains. I expect it may be a problem with overexposure, but can't be certain. Equipment used was as follows:

90mm Maksutov Telescope, EQ1 mount and simple RA drive

'Modified' HP 2200 HD Webcam

Captured in SharpCap (awesome program)

Processed in Registax 6.0

I think it turned out fine, still not completely satisfied with the 'wavelet' settings in Registax though. Might go back and make a few more changes...

08-08-12 Moon1.bmp

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