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OMG its arrived!


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Christmas as come a little early for me as I'm now the proud owner of an NEQ6. Woohoo! :happy2:

After opening the box and lifting the top half of the polystyrene out I was a little shocked at what I had just revealed. It's huge compared to my EQ3-2!

Now I shouldn't have to worry about chucking so many subs away. Also vibrations should be greatly reduced as it feels rock solid. Initial thoughts are that I feel I need to get rid of that horrible sounding grinding noise when it begins and ends of a high speed slew. The next thing is, after tightening the bolt from under the tripod legs and the azimuth bolts, there is still a little play if you hold the very base of the mount and try to twist it in a CW/ACW direction so that needs addressing too as I will be imaging with it and don't want any risk of movement after a drift allignment. Apart from those 2 issues, very happy with what I've waited for months of saving for and can't wait to give it a try in good conditions. :grin:

Might post some pics on later tonight comparing the size of the 2 mounts if anybody is interested.

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Congrats on the new mount....... my HEQ5 was a little noisey accelarating and decelarating to and from fast slew... It always worked faultlessly so I took the opinion 'if it aint broke, dont fix it!' ans I put up with the noise.


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It just makes the noise at the beginning and the end of the slew. My way of thinking is, if two moving, touching parts are making a noise like that, it can't be doing anything good to them. If its something that if I tinker with and its going to create more problems than solving, then I won't try. I will spend a bit more time on Astrobabys site at some time and see whats what before i consider delving in.

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It just makes the noise at the beginning and the end of the slew. My way of thinking is, if two moving, touching parts are making a noise like that, it can't be doing anything good to them. If its something that if I tinker with and its going to create more problems than solving, then I won't try. I will spend a bit more time on Astrobabys site at some time and see whats what before i consider delving in.

Do a search before you start tinkering, to repeat myself, they ALL make that noise :)

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Sorry to disagree but whilst most make that noise, not all of them do. They definitely track and guide better when it's fixed and you won't be running the risk of putting extra wear on the gears.

It really is easy to adjust out and the worst that you could do would be to make the mesh too tight which will result in motor stalls - which itself does no harm and you can not fail to know when it happens.

Of course read up in advance bit it is definitely worth it and if I can do it - anyone can.



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I agree with Stephen, they all make that noise. The main issue is with the gear train, there are tolerances within the gear train (like all mechanical devices), things aint quite as well made as they could be. So, you have to find a happy medium with the gear mesh, if you make it just perfect at one point it might be too tight at others.

The way to set it up is to find the 'tightest' point in the gear train rotation and set the mesh there. You will find it is 'less than perfect' elsewhere but we have to live with that.

These mounts are designed and built to a price, fairly very well IMO for the price too. The machining aint perfect, you would have to pay thousands of £'s to get anywhere near perfection.

As said, they all do it, it does not seem to have any remedial effects so we ignore it....... lol.

I agree however, it doesn't sound good, being a mechanical engineer it makes me cringe.... lol.


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Do a search before you start tinkering, to repeat myself, they ALL make that noise

Not all- I have two EQ6's, the new one is very noisy and the old one very quiet. I figure the old one is now well worn in (plus has been recently re-lubricated & adjusted). The new EQ6 is in its factory ship state- therefore probably almost dry and in need of it's first tune up.

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Can't say I ever noticed any chattering noise from my NEQ6, it makes an amusing whirry noise when fast slewing but that's all I remember it doing. I tend to only use the slow speeds nowadays, and manually move to where I want to be by letting the clutches out and looking through the finder scope.

Truth is, I always forget how to change the slew speed on the SynTrek!

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