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unidentified light in the sky

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hello everyone

dont worry im not a UFO spotter

the only other time something like this happened - my first reaction was 'nova' . . . and it turned out to be comet holmes flaring up :-)


at prague castle . . . lat 50.08962°N lon 14.39714°E 250m above sea lavel

last night . . . 2012 - 08 - 02 at 21:00 central europe DST (19:00 UT)

just after sunset . . . (sun 3° below horizon)

i notice a bright point of (white?) light . . . (approx) mag -6 azi 75° alt 50° (cygnus area)

it did not appear to twinkle . . . so probably not a (super)nova

it did not appear to move . . . so probably not a satellite or ISS

i took photos (at 6x optical zoom) which simply show a venus-like white dot on a blue sky

i watched it for 2 to 3 minutes before large clouds covered it

20 minutes later the clouds had moved away and this 'light' was no longer visible - the sky was 'back to normal'

I've since checked on heavensabove webiste and thus eliminated ISS & iridium etc

i cant find any similar reports online so im assumin its extremely local (within atmosphere)

are there things like weather balloons etc which do not obviously appear to move across the sky like aircraft or satellites

but are high enough to be above the lower cloud levels & large / reflective enough to appear around mag -6

any thoughts on phenomena of this kind will be much appreciated

- amateur -

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Had a similar experience about 20 years ago. Bright sunny mid-summer day and I spot a bright star like object directly above (at the zenith), it was the the only thing in a cloudless sky. It remained in the same location for the 2+ hours I was at a local garden fair with my son. When I got home I checked and there was nothing visible via any planetarium program, it had by then disappeared. Several similar events have occurred while observing at night, again they where unexplainable. It makes me think that there may be many short-lived events that go unrecorded.

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thanks peeps

for th prompt replies and th great ideas . . . but most of all for makin me laugh


yeh ive had th 'aircraft lights headin directly for me' thing a few times before

only not for 2+ minutes without any brightness change

and not on a 50° descent either haha . . . poor passengers!!!


never thought about chinese lanterns

il get researchin

had another thought

what about a visual wavelength equivalent of a gamma burst

does that sort of thing exist - and if so could it go on for more than 2mins

oh well - guess il keep brainstormin

went to th same location at th same time again today in case it was some regular local thing but saw no sign of it

did however get some nice fotos of moon & prague skyline as well as saturn spica & mars

anyway thanks again - really enjoyed readin th responses

! ! ! clear skies ! ! !


- amateur -


apparently im a vacuum


oh well . . . been called that before

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Had a similar experience about 20 years ago. Bright sunny mid-summer day and I spot a bright star like object directly above (at the zenith), it was the the only thing in a cloudless sky. It remained in the same location for the 2+ hours I was at a local garden fair with my son. When I got home I checked and there was nothing visible via any planetarium program, it had by then disappeared. Several similar events have occurred while observing at night, again they where unexplainable. It makes me think that there may be many short-lived events that go unrecorded.

I once observed a similar thing- a bright stationary light more or less at the zenith in a clear blue sky. I went inside and fetched my 20x80 binoculars but the object looked stationary and star like in those. I went back inside the house and fetched a camera with 300mm lense (the object was still roughly in the same place) and took some stills. Upon later examination the object looked vaguely dumbell shaped at very high magnifiction. My conclusion was that I had seen some kind of really high altitude balloon moving very slowly.

There are things going on up there that we don't know about or are not being told about......

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I once observed a similar thing- a bright stationary light more or less at the zenith in a clear blue sky. I went inside and fetched my 20x80 binoculars but the object looked stationary and star like in those. I went back inside the house and fetched a camera with 300mm lense (the object was still roughly in the same place) and took some stills. Upon later examination the object looked vaguely dumbell shaped at very high magnifiction. My conclusion was that I had seen some kind of really high altitude balloon moving very slowly.

There are things going on up there that we don't know about or are not being told about......

That is very interesting, something that stationary in our part of world with so much in the way of jet streams seems very unusual. The ground level wind was enough to send balloons blowing rapidly away. Do you still have the photos?

I was in a very dark part of Brittany some years ago marvelling at the amazing clear night sky. We had been talking about the view for about 30 minutes when it appeared that something very high up directly above us switched on a searchlight that shone across about 30 degrees of sky. 5 of us witnessed this event which lasted about 10 seconds, no sat visible, no aircraft, no noise and not like an Iridium flash, it didn't move but appeared to come from a fixed point with beam spreading out about 10 degrees.

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That is very interesting, something that stationary in our part of world with so much in the way of jet streams seems very unusual. The ground level wind was enough to send balloons blowing rapidly away. Do you still have the photos?

900% zoom


Original image.


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I would imagine a couple of head on military jets in formation with landing lights on might produce that sort of effect. Being head on to the observer from a long way down range they wouldn't appear to move. :)

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