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Skywatcher Explorer 150P Vs Skywatcher Skyliner 200P Dobsonian

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right guys

Tommrow i am going to order a new scope. Not to fussed about Size . I want some tying with good build and nice deep skys . i know the dob is bigger but my budget stretches to the these to . What are the Pro and cons for both ?~

Skywatcher Explorer 150P Vs Skywatcher Skyliner 200P Dobsonian

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This question is killing me too. I'am thinking of getting new telescope and my budget lets me to get 150/750 newt or 8 dob. And i'am thinking of 8 dob because i want more aperture. :)

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I was toying with moving from a 130 to a 150 but ended up with a 200 Dob. The difference in what I can see is amazing and I am really glad I went for the bigger aperture. I am pretty sure that if I had gone for the 150 I would have been looking to get a bigger one next year anyway! Despite still getting to grips with the Dob I love the fact that I can get set up in seconds (I keep the scope in the mount all the time) and when I have finished it's just as quick to pack up and go indoors.

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If this is for visual use only, there is no contest, the 200P Dobsonian is much the better scope. Quicker and easier to set up, the eyepiece stays at a comfortable angle, more aperture and more focal length so better views of both deep sky and planets, f/6 rather than f/5 so more forgiving on cheaper eyepieces. Add a Rigel or Telrad and a right angle correct image finder later on and you have a scope that could well last a lifetime of observing.

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visual observing to me is about the most aperture you can afford and move about. the dobsonian mount may be simple but is much more sturdy (if well built) than an eq mount unless you spend a lot more for your budget for just the mount when using this size of telescope.

more aperture = more resolution and more light gathering. the 8" will provide a more stable view, a brighter and deeper view and a more detailed view than the 6".

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I'm with the rest - if it's visual only then the Dob wins (aperture and simplicity).

Set up time in the first instance would be quicker with the Dob - once you get used to the EQ mount it wouldn't be that much longer (not significantly anyway) unless you're going to polar align (I never bother as I'm visual only I just make sure it's roughly North). However the aperture of the Dob would make a difference to you.

If you ever want to get into photography you'll need a good mount for the 150 (I'm guessing at least an EQ5 plus drives) and that would go beyond your budget so I'm guessing you'd buy an EQ 3-2 for now and then look for a mount upgrade later.

If you're going to stay visual in the end you'll regret the loss of aperture in buying the 150.

ETA: Shouldn't take so long posting a reply - good choice.

£50 - Cheshire collimator and Sky and Telescope Pocket Atlas.

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Nice one, enjoy

My vote would be to replace the 10mm ep and borrow someones Cheshire until you can get your own

I own a sky Max 90 and bought some Vixen NPL eye picses not sure how good they are. I got a 10 15 and 4 mm

Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk 2

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If you're going to borrow a Cheshire then many swear by a Telrad finder (mine's on backorder) and/or a right angle correct image finder (but that's a bit over £50)

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I think that many would suggest a Telrad. Although hard to get hold of I think I saw FLO saying they were due some in a week or so. I have only just got mine but found it easy to set up and much easier to use than the optical viewfinder.

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great scope. my next purchase would be a red dot finder of some kind (I prefer telrads) and if you can a cheshire and a book. next would be a right angled correct image finder and some further eyepieces in due course. no rush though.....

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