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M13 and M57 with a 150p


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Hi everybody,

Thought I would share a couple of pics I made a couple of months ago. Not been out since due to the weather.

This was my last pic. M57 ring nebula was 15 X 90s at iso 800 with equal amount of darks. Not the most impressive but happy to get most of my subs successfully at 90s. That drift allignment does make you scratch your head to start with!


M13 was 28 X 30s at iso 800 and darks


Any advice is welcome as its only my 3rd and 4th attempts at imaging.


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And I must have a go at drift alignment myself!

Does your EQ3-2 not suffer from much periodic error?

I had to have a guide with me and it still took me ages to fathom, it is rather counter intuitive. But once it was done, I began to understand and it didn't seem that hard in the end.

Next time, I will start with the altitude adjuster first as it requires the most force which causes the whole tripod to flex which I found to knock out the azi adjustment slightly which i did first as per the guide.

As for the PE, if its effects are slight star trailing, then yes. Between 1/4 and 1/2 of my subs got scrapped, off the top of my head. Also any slight breeze didn't help either as the tripod isn't the most stable.


By the way thanks for the replies!

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Great images.

The 150P is a great scope but it's a challenge to get shots like that off the EQ3-2. Well done.

My own attempts at M57 on the 150P were cut short by clouds rolling in at 1am last night :(

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Yeah the weather has been so frustrating.

JKB. Just wondering if you've used the MPCC with the 150 and slr and if you had any issues with focus? Thinking of buying the SW version eventually.

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Yeah the weather has been so frustrating.

JKB. Just wondering if you've used the MPCC with the 150 and slr and if you had any issues with focus? Thinking of buying the SW version eventually.

Hi Yes I use the MPCC on the 150p with EOS 30D. Huge difference and no focus issues at all. Really does make a difference.

This image without MPCC


This with MPCC :smiley:


Keep up the good work



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