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I have an idea....


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....can you just all stop being a bunch of knowledgable, intellectual beings, and let me play catch-up, your all blinding me with science, literally!.... :clouds2:

But I do have another idea, a more reasonable one this time, but I'm not going to share, I'm going to try a little experiment.

Clear skies tonight ......pleeeeeaaaaasssseeeeee

Caz :sunny:

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....can you just all stop being a bunch of knowledgable, intellectual beings, and let me play catch-up, your all blinding me with science, literally!.... :clouds2:

...we just make the 'facts' up as we go along, very little of it is actually correct!! :clouds2:

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Caz, jargon is a curse, but we all do it. Don't be put off, and don't let it get in the way of enjoyment of the sky. Actually the American boards are far worse for that type of thing, I've been at this for years and I can't read half the stuff I see on many sites without a glossary!

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