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Saturn from the 29/5/12


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Hi Simon. Ok i can see the noise now ive got my glasses. This is actually a pretty good image a tad messy on the edges, ( you must have had some poor frames in the mix. But also theres some lovely frames as can be seen by the cassini being very distinct right at the front of saturn. The noise is easy to sort. Harder to work on with Jpeg, The quality is too low. png or tiff is better. Infact. i wish you could find a way to send me a avi of this shot. and let me have a look. Not sure if i could do any better. but maybe. The problelm is getting large files across the net. but there are ways to do it. Its not something i do so im hoping some suggestions will come your way, as i would love to have a look if you didnt mind. The shot certainly merits a bit more than two replys. May well be your best yet i think. well done. I have had a quick mess. not sure if you prefer if, mostly just noise reduction, a little contrast sharpening ( local contrast that me and Stuart love ) and a 10% downsize. the noise is now well controlled. but the cassini still looks quite good at the front. I cant do anything with the slight edge cassini problems for that i would need the avi. And even then it might not be possible. But because the cassini is so good at the front. I suspect your quality sort could be improved. And that might be the reason. Good and bad frames in this mix Simon. But well done its a good image Mate.


Your image no adjustments apart from frequency domain noise reduction image analyzer


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Lovely shot Simon :hello2:

I hope you don't mind me playing :)

Still not much happening here with me missing the last couple of opportunities through tiredness :p

Really just a bit of a play with the colour balance in CS3


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Thanks Neil i think your right about having bad frames in the mix the avi was in excess of 7000 frames stacked in as2, is there anyway to limit frames like in registax ? your reprocess certainly made a sharper image.

cannot save avis, even my back up hard drive wont store them , i need to clear them to free up disc space on my laptop but have uploaded stacked tiff file if its anygood to you. SIMON.

Thanks Rob like Neil you have improved the image a lot sharper, im still a bit of a novice when it comes to processing but hopefully gettin there.


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I'm seriously impressed with your image Simon! The best cassini I've seen on here in the UK for a scope under 10".

Could not resist having a play with your TIFF. Despite using rgb align the blue channel is off line maybe Neil can sort that out its beyond me? Anyhow the red channel is very sharp so I've done a colour and red channel repro.



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I'm seriously impressed with your image Simon! The best cassini I've seen on here in the UK for a scope under 10".

Could not resist having a play with your TIFF. Despite using rgb align the blue channel is off line maybe Neil can sort that out its beyond me? Anyhow the red channel is very sharp so I've done a colour and red channel repro.



Thanks stuart for pulling out detail i didnt no existed, this is where experience in processing and getting the best out of collected data really makes a difference. Regards SIMON.

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