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Orion DSLR Camera Cooler


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Just saw this. perhaps this has already been discussed??

For Canon cameras 350D to 600D incl. 1000D, 1100D. Has a delta of -30F. Heavy at a good kilo and needs 4 Amps @12V. Has a price tag of approx £350. No camera mods required.

Has anyone bought one and tried it yet? Looks to be a good chepaer way of beating thermal noise ahead of CCD cameras.

I fancy one barring negative reports.

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Somewhat later.

Browsing the web reveals that its been available for a while though the current ad claims "New". TS also do one @ 199 Euros or thereabouts with similar spec. A few claim that it's based on their designs but how would you make it that much different? I would still like to see a decent review, experiences and how it stands up to dew formation.

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Carole (carastro) had a peltier cooling box for her DSLR - I don't think it got much use and she moved to a CCD. I'm sure she'll be able to give you some pointers, positive and negative.

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I noticed this new product recently... Very interesting, but I couldn't help but think it's just too expensive!

I know the home-made ones take quite a bit of effort but this pushes the price up towards a mid-range cooled CCD.

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Too expensive but TS have one a lot cheaper at 199 Euros.

Not really sure about them but a cooled 18mpx canon (modded 550D) would be very nice. But I don't think I can that interested to build my own though.

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With the weather like it is at the moment, making one of these is quite a tempting proposition actually!

Just look at the state of this sub!

For some reason, I find myself browsing ABS for cooled CCDs even though there's no chance I could buy one in the next 12 months!


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Lewis, I feel your pain. The temoeratures over here in Spain was exactly why I changed my modded DSLR for a CCD. The noise was unbearable and when the ambient temperature is 25 degrees plus, I was on a hiding to noting.

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Hi Sara.

The plus for DSLR is a large sensor with up to 21Mpx (mine is 18Mpx), low cost but has no cooling. Unless you pay loadsamoney for a CCD you get a few Mpx only but cooled -25C on ambient.

I am unfamiliar with CCDs so how do your CCD cameras stack up against a DSLR for image quality? I find it hard to understand the plus of say 3Mpx against mega Mpx notwithstanding the cooling.

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The noise levels on my cooled CCD (which I generally cool to -10 as I have pretty high ambient temps) are utterly fantastic compared to the DSLR. I don't really miss the pixels (from 12mp in my 1000D to 1.4mp in my Atik). I wouldn't go back to a DSLR unless it had setpoint cooling, then I may consider it as a OSC, but the mono CCD with filters is just so versatile.

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Just caught up with this thread.

Yes I bought one of these DSLR coolers from TS, but first of all had to change a few things to make it all fit, (cabled battery as you can't change the battery once the camera is inside), new Flattener as my existing one was too big for the hole. Both of these I really needed anyway it just gave me a shove.

I then found it all a bit of a fiddle to set up, but my main problem is you have to run it for about 30 minutes to cool down and by then my DSLR had gone into sleep mode and needing switching off and switching on again which can't be done when its inside the case. So I then tried doing dummy images to keep the camera active for the said 30 minutes which did work.

I did some tests and it does reduce the temperature by about 8 degrees below ambient.

I found the DSLR to be wet when I had finished the imaging run, but now find that they should have supplied me with dessicant bags.

I am planning on getting some of these and giving it one more try, but I do find it all a bit of a hassle to set up, but that's me. Gave up the Mono CCD camera because I thought it was too much hassle with all the filters, so might not be a hassle to any-one else.


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I'll bear in mind your comments on CCD image quality mono/osc.

I am not sure about mono needing to image four times over which must imply several consecutive nights of still clear air (in UK). Unless we are talking of fewer shots per final image? How many would you do per LRGB? But then also no darks/bias? As you can tell, I am clueless on CCD.

Hi Carole. I look forward with great interest on how you get on with the DSLR cooler. I hope you'll keep us updated.

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Have you binned your Atik?

Hi Sara,

Yes, too much faffing around to get one single image and with the amount of clouds we get here this could take for ever and I'm not a fan of Mono.

I managed to get most of my money back. Might get a OSC CCD at a later date, but lots of problems going on at the moment with looking after elderly mother, so one thing at a time I think.

Now must remember to get dessicant bags!!


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Hi Sara.

The plus for DSLR is a large sensor with up to 21Mpx (mine is 18Mpx), low cost but has no cooling. Unless you pay loadsamoney for a CCD you get a few Mpx only but cooled -25C on ambient.

I am unfamiliar with CCDs so how do your CCD cameras stack up against a DSLR for image quality? I find it hard to understand the plus of say 3Mpx against mega Mpx notwithstanding the cooling.

Despite the promo for megapixel cams it remains a balancing act. Most Messier and NGC objects like galaxies and planetaries etc remain small in scale with a typical focal lengths ~1m-2m. The DSLR's sensor is very large by comparison with only the central field capturing the object.

IMHO it's better to use a dedicated smaller CCD with modest pixel count to match the target and display results near full size rather than 18Mp crushed to 800 x 600 pixels in posts hereabout :hello2:

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In case anyone in this forum doesn't read the "DIY - Astronomer" forum, I am currently working on cooling my 1100D DSLR including curing the condensation problem. I can obtain -22C with short exposures and -17C with long ones up to several minutes. I intend to produce a set point system using a PC to control the cooling. My main problem ATM is stopping the condensation and resulting frozen water droplets on the sensor, but I have a plan... :hello2:

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If CCD cameras were more towards the price of a DSLR then most dso imagers would have CCD mono or osc or both in various Mpx configs. But, they are not.

Thus surely its a question of cost and not preference.

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Hi Gina.

I have an occasional eye on diy coolers in SGL but am unlikely to go down that route. My Canon 550D serves as an imager and as a daylight camera using the camera's white balance feature. If a DSLR cooler came on the market that could achieve -20C below ambient say and internal dryness then at the right price I'd be interested.

Silly point :-

If water drops from the air at dewpoint how possible would it be to to extract as much of this air before or during a session? I realise interface difficulties as camera to scope, cabling etc. but are those insurmountable? Another way would be perhaps reduce box air space by filling it with, I don't know.

Just a thought.

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If CCD cameras were more towards the price of a DSLR then most dso imagers would have CCD mono or osc or both in various Mpx configs. But, they are not.

Thus surely its a question of cost and not preference.

Actually you can get a QHY8L for £899, thats a reasonable price for a large chip cooled CCD camera, it blows any DSLR out the water and is quite cheap when you consider the cost of a new DSLR + modding.. :hello2:

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