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Quick question about equatorial platforms


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Am I right in thinking that an equatorial platform is essentially a sloping surface where the slope of the surface is adjustable?

I love the convenience of my little Dob, but I would also like the convenience of being able to track without having to resort to the hit & miss wrestling approach along two axes.

So I'm thinking about two pieces of MDF hinged along one edge & with a compact car jack on the opposite edge to raise and lower it. Then put the Dob on top of that.

Would that work? Am I even even close?


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At three and a half times the purchase price of my scope for a pre-built one, I think I'll have a crack at doing it my self. Off to look at the DIY section (never even seen it before). :)

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I found

on Youtube, which is basically what I'm talking about. I don't need motors as I'm quite happy to nudge as long as it's only along the one axis.

Would a setup similar to the one in the video work (using a car jack to get the board angle right - or is there something fundamental & obvious I need to know before I start buying wood?

I actually meant to post this thread in Beginners' Help & Advice, but had two tabs open & messed up. Sorry about that.

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The problem you might find is what you are attempting to do with the dob is basically the same as what most owners do with wedges on their fork mounted scopes. The difference being the centre of balance will be miles off as soon as you elevate the dob base from a level position which in the UK is roughly 52'.

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Am I right in thinking that an equatorial platform is essentially a sloping surface where the slope of the surface is adjustable?

I love the convenience of my little Dob, but I would also like the convenience of being able to track without having to resort to the hit & miss wrestling approach along two axes.

So I'm thinking about two pieces of MDF hinged along one edge & with a compact car jack on the opposite edge to raise and lower it. Then put the Dob on top of that.

Would that work? Am I even even close?


not being blunt, just honest here but the basic answers to your questions are, no it would not work and no you are not very close.

an equatorial platform is not hinged but turns a part of a conic section from a fixed point and the radius of which is governed by your latitude, the centre of gravity and the length of the platform. they are straight forward to make but need a motor really to do what they do well.

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TBH I would be trying to address your mounts problems as by the sound of it, it's not working as it should. A Dob should move in ANY direction with equal ease. It shouldn't move along axis. This is the whole point of the Dob mount. If yours is not doing this, then, there is something wrong.

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