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Can't wait and thank you


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Can't wait until it's me helping other newbies on here. I'm looking forward to contributing much more rather than being the one asking loads of questions. But in the meantime I just want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who had helped me on here and will be helping me in the future (you just don't know it yet LOL :D ).

What a fantasticaly helpful and friendly place this is! SO happy to have found it and be part of it ;)

Thanks everyone :)

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From one newbie to another, look at it this way, by asking questions yuo have already helped other newcommers to the hobby.

Yeah I know that sounds philosophical but its true. Some people are unable to ask questions, for whatever reason, but you ask what need answering. It is likely that someone else out there needed the self same question answering. Yup thats forums for you ;-)

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We're all beginners really as there is some much we have yet to learn and what we do know is always changing. Glad you are finding the information useful and look forward to more of your questions.


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I am by NO means proficient with scopes and EP's etc but i have learned enough here from other members to be able to give valid opinions on gear etc and have tried and tested enough gear over the last few years to have a valid opinion.

The only silly question here, is the one you do NOT ask.

Think about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How many years experience of astronomy combined do all the members here have?

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Nice to see a response such as this Daz. This is the good thing about SGL, ask a question that has been bothering you for ages and within seconds there is a reply to help you on your way.

Last night I put on a query, hit the submit button, went back into Control Panel and there was already a reply - couldn't believe it :)

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I can't think of one single thing I could have bought, read or done that would have been more beneficial for me than joining this forum, in helping me on my way in this new hobby.

Any question we all ask will inevitably help someone else not just yourself - so keep on asking - if theres one thing I've found out in my short time here it is that more than any other hobby I have been involved in, Astronomers are perhaps the most helpful and friendly bunch I've come accross

Welcome on board guys.

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