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snapped off screw.

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ive snapped off a screw on the base plate of my skywatcher 200p. i was screwing the primary back in to the tube and one of the screw heads snapped off. can replacements be had anywhere ?


these ones. its not the end of the world ,but would like to get it sorted.

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okay, thanks chaps. theres always one aint there, it was going so well. i flocked the top end around the focuser ect. had enough left to do the bottom 4 or 5 inches around the primary. wish id not bothered now !

standard m4 stainless ,right.

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okay, im in dumb mode ( normal). so the thread length on the current screws are 6mm long and button head ? now i should ideally be searching out " m4 stainless caphead screws with 6mm thread length ?

its just that the sites ive come across dont go as low as 6mm on m4's.

and ive no idea what im on about here:o:icon_scratch:.

forgive my lack of er,well, everything really :)

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FWIW, they sell a tool here in the States called a 'screw extractor' that is made specifically for the purpose of extracting damaged or headless screws.

Worth a look at the local home improvement store for one of these. Tis one of those crazy tools that you almost never need - and NOTHING ELSE will do the job when you DO need one!

A stuck screw is also something that will bring your repair/upgrade job to a crashing halt when it happens. Well worth the investment in the specialty tool if you are a regular DIY person.


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funny actually. i got some funny looks from my household ,when they watched me useing my footpump to blow air over mirror. they thought i was loosing the plot !

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If you want a reference for the future, also try Boltmeup.com they are one of the cheapest and deal in small quantities of Stainless metric all types, with same day dispatch :)


noted, cheers:icon_salut:

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Another vote for BoltMeUp.

I've got bags of round cap, countersunk, you name it I bought and I cannot remember for what :)

I replace all the bolts and screws with round cap, hex, stainless as a matter of course these days. Not only lessens the chance of this sort of thing happening, but gives you hex for everything rather than screwdrivers which I seem to be cackhanded with, so less scratched stuff. :headbang:

Can look nicer too.



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Just to pick up on Dan's suggestion of removing the screw, I would certainly recommend this product, I use this all the time certainly is effective at removing broken screws with a standard cordless drill.


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