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The TAL100RS is a wonderful scope, one of the best astro deals out there I feel, you pick one up second hand for less than a 150 quid! I would very much like to check out the 125R sometime, a very sought after scope at one time I seem to remember.

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I think a used TAL100RS is one of the best buys out there, I did buy mine new and still consider it a good buy.

Even kept it over a C100ED, but I was raising funds for the 127.

Yep, i bought mine new from FLO and still think it was a total bargain, £249 for such high quality optice

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They are so good, I have 3....2 x RS, and 1 x R.....must be really greedy keeping all that lovely Russian glass, as only one comes out at a time ;-) 

Would never swap any of them, they have opened my eyes onto so many night sky splendours, they are like old friends....

would really like to look through the 125r though as well.

Nightfisher: could you post up a report on it and show us what you have achieved with it? (unless of course you already have...not searched yet).

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They are so good, I have 3....2 x RS, and 1 x R.....must be really greedy keeping all that lovely Russian glass, as only one comes out at a time ;-) 

Would never swap any of them, they have opened my eyes onto so many night sky splendours, they are like old friends....

would really like to look through the 125r though as well.

Nightfisher: could you post up a report on it and show us what you have achieved with it? (unless of course you already have...not searched yet).

I may well do that, if these blummin clouds ever choose to leave huddersfield

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Great thread..I like it when an old thread is resurrected..for one thing, it means I sometimes see threads I missed first time around since my time available to get online varies from week to week!

It's great to learn so much from the experience of others. I think if you are thinking of buying a particular scope, it's great to see what others think of it..of course, you make your own mind up, but, a bit like Trip Advisor, if 80% of reviewers like it, it's probably pretty good.

Just to throw into the mix of Tal 100RS vs ED100, there is a half way house on cost. The Lyra Optic F11 is just a superbly built scope with a great achromatic lens. It's like having a Tal scope in an Equinox/William Optic body. They are now about £425 new I think, but truly a lovely traditional looking scope with great performance. Having owned all three I'd honestly pick the Lyra out of them all - but any of them will be sure to please. 


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