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I dunno, but I'm setting up at 10pm tonight and am hoping I can put a few hours in. If I drink any beer, I'll fall asleep!

If i were you, I'd stick around on SGL for a bit and have a few snacks to get some observing energy...

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wow its still clear and got my first views of M81 and M82 :clouds2:

I was looking at M81 about 50 mins ago and something bright flew right accross my view taking about 1.5 seconds. Could have been a sat?

But whatever, amazing night so far :icon_scratch:

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Skies are still clear down here in Cornwall and as most of the weather come from our direction first it should be good for all you people 'up-country' :icon_scratch:

Please don't take this the wrong way but I hate Cornwall right now :clouds2: here its cloud, cloud and just a touch more cloud :rolleyes:

sent from Gherkin Muncher mk .III (commonly known as a Galaxy S2)

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Well what do you expect if you are going to live the other side of the universe? Galaxy S2 indeed :rolleyes:

Wakefield has been called a lot things before and to be honest that has to be one of the more polite names lol :icon_scratch: ah well guess I'll go drink some beer and watch this months s@n :clouds2:

sent from Gherkin Muncher mk .III (commonly known as a Galaxy S2)

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Having given up at about 23:00 after losing my guide star it was so murky', I awoke at about 2.00 this morning and could see stars again, perhaps I should have stayed up a little longer although by then, the Moon was fairly high in the east!

Strange hobby this - I must Google crochet as this seems to be less stressful .... :clouds2:

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bummer George. I have heard rumours that a decent spell of weather may be on the way.

We might get the odd day but long range forecast is more of the same for the rest of the month :)

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