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William Optics GT-81


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Does anyone know if the William Optics GT-81 Triplet Refractor is being superseded 'if or when?' :clouds2:

William Optics seems to have refreshed there range :icon_scratch:

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Rumour has it William Optics will come out with a 5 elements GTF as a successor of the GT81. However, a GTF has a integrated flattener, so it's more imaging orientated. There is no sign of a replacement for a visual scope.

The GT81's optics is very nice and the tube is quite compact.

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Woah... me me me .. I have the money honey.. :icon_scratch:

Just a quick google and it appears that the extra elements may be in the focuser, it could give owners of the GT81 benefits of an upgrade?

In the words of the great PM ' we shall see ' :clouds2:

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Getting one in the first place wasn't exactly easy. I think FLO hesitated a bit and then couldn't get all they could have sold.

Add in that although they sold fast and successfully WO have stuck, so far, to the idea of a limited edition.:icon_scratch:

They must be pretty good as I cannot recall seeing even one for sale on places like UK ABS.:clouds2:

The new variant has, as has been said, an inbuild flattener, which although aimed at the imaging side should be good for visual also. No idea on the cost.

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Why contemplate having One, when you should have bought one in the 1st place ! Innit ?


You should have bought it from FLO ! :clouds2:

In my case I simply ummed and aahed for too long. Should've just bought one :rolleyes:

Sent from my mobile using Tapatalk, so please excuse the speeling and granma! :icon_scratch:

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Getting one in the first place wasn't exactly easy. I think FLO hesitated a bit and then couldn't get all they could have sold.
In my case I simply ummed and aahed for too long. Should've just bought one :icon_scratch:

We know how you feel :clouds2:

Most of the time affordable triplets are poor performers so we held off ordering until we heard positive feedback. This approach normally works well for us, FLO has never been associated with duff refractors, but in this instance we lost out because the GT81 proved to be a little diamond!


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I was thinking of an 80mm at the time the GT-81 were out, and having a Megrez 90 I didn't hesitate. WO stuff tends to be pretty good and the whole lot in a carry case was a bonus.

Why I want/need a 90mm and a 81mm I have no idea but glad I have.:(

I was hoping that the new 70mm would have been a triplet as it would have made a superb grab and go scope. And yes I would have bought one of those as well.;)

All I would like now are BST Explorers at 3mm and 4mm.:clouds2::icon_scratch::icon_scratch:

Shame they stop at 5mm.:rolleyes::evil6::headbang:

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I was hoping that the new 70mm would have been a triplet as it would have made a superb grab and go scope. And yes I would have bought one of those as well.:clouds2:

The ZS70 is calling to me as I type, especially the one in Steve's sale. But the possibility of a re-issued GT81 with a built-in flattener is a very tempting prospect indeed :icon_scratch:.

Sent from my mobile using Tapatalk, so please excuse the speeling and granma! :rolleyes:

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We know how you feel :rolleyes:


My mouse finger was hovering over the buy button for days, right up until they became unavailable. I even added one to my basket a couple of times, only to chicken out! Only got myself to blame. Which just makes it worse! :clouds2:

Sent from my mobile using Tapatalk, so please excuse the speeling and granma! :icon_scratch:

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The ZS70 is calling to me as I type, especially the one in Steve's sale.

If the ZS70 was f/7 or f/7.5 I would have had one by now.

Would rather the scope had so give a bit better CA then the f/6 design will give. Sort of why push the optics to the limit.

Which is why I said that I hoped it would have followed the GT-81 and been a small triplet.

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Would rather the scope had so give a bit better CA then the f/6 design will give. Sort of why push the optics to the limit.

That's a fair point actually.

Sent from my mobile using Tapatalk, so please excuse the speeling and granma! :clouds2:

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My mouse finger was hovering over the buy button for days, right up until they became unavailable. I even added one to my basket a couple of times, only to chicken out! Only got myself to blame. Which just makes it worse! :)

Sent from my mobile using Tapatalk, so please excuse the speeling and granma! ;)

I wanted one but the money wasnt there, when it was FLO had sold out, but i managed to get one from Ian King... The last one :D I have number 67, and i dont think i would ever let it go. Love the scope. It just brilliant :)

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Thanks, now I feel even worse! :) :) :)

Despite having brilliant optics, I recently traded my GT81 for a Borg. The GT81 was a bit heavy and I wasn't a big fan of the DDG focuser. Optically the GT81 was closer to my LOMO than other 80mm scopes I tried, but mechanically the DDG wasn't in the same league as my FT.

I may think differently if I image, but since I prefer to observe visually the digital read out didn't matter to me. IMHO for a budget of £700 a used LOMO 80 with FT focuser is better value for money than a new GT81 with DDG.

Hope this make you feel better

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Despite having brilliant optics, I recently traded my GT81 for a Borg. The GT81 was a bit heavy and I wasn't a big fan of the DDG focuser. Optically the GT81 was closer to my LOMO than other 80mm scopes I tried, but mechanically the DDG wasn't in the same league as my FT.
Apparently the forthcoming GT81 has dumped the DDG focuser and it's being replaced with an R&P... Although I have no available funds, I've been waiting to see what it's price tag will be when it does arrive (allegedly soon...)
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Sure that Ian King had one of the WO's with the flattener incorporated as part of it on their stand at Astrofest last Feburary. Was a solid beastie. Didn't ask the cost.

I see that FLO do the flattener for the GT-81.

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