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Good news about my street lighting


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My street lights are really not too bad and I have very little light pollution in the East as I look over a national park. The old sodium lights were all replaced last year for new ones, but not LED's.

Imagine my surprise this afternoon when there's a couple of blokes going around and fiddling with the lights. One asked me if I lived here and informed me that due to the crisis and cuts over here in Spain, they were turning off one in every two lights. Their electricity bill per month for all lighting in our small area totalled 18,000 euro's.

HURRAH!!! Good news for me!! ;)

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Nice one Sara! Now if only the councils here would do the same. Got a light that shines onto my back garden but it's only lighting a service road at the back of houses, would love to get rid of it. Im thinking it may be worth a punt writing to them and suggesting it is turned off to save money.... And my eyes LOL

Happy viewing ;)

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We can only hope! I wonder how many councils are actually looking at saving money with changing street lamps to lower power higher efficiency lights with shields or even the dimming method. I'm hoping it's much more that is currently apparent ;)

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Imagine my surprise this afternoon when there's a couple of blokes going around and fiddling with the lights. One asked me if I lived here and informed me that due to the crisis and cuts over here in Spain, they were turning off one in every two lights.

Tell them you actually don't need any at all and they can turn off all of yours and leave a few more on where people really need it ;)


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Dump the street lights, issue everyone with head torches, huge savings and no light pollution. It does make me think of the Family Guy episode though when they had them on and Lois knew when Peter and Brian were looking at her chest.... "Peter I'm up here" LOL

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It's certainly good news - I'm a little surprised at the shear cost of their monthly lighting bill though, especially as a lot of the lights are modern ones. Hey ho, no complaints from me! Probably very few from the spanish as well as over two thirds of the houses on the estates are only used at weekends or not at all.

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That is good news, the council here switched off our street light in Jan this year they go off at midnight all of them. It has made a massive difference to the night sky so I often don't start my imaging sessions till they all go off.

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Nice one. A friend has a small house in a mountainous Southern Spanish village and the street lights and castle illuminations are mostly turned 'off' as the authorities have no cash to pay the electricity bill (or allegedly the wages of the local police!). Halcyon times.

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Last night, being the first night of 50% lighting, I really noticed the difference outside the front og my house when I took the dog out before bedtime!! HURRAH!!! I'll send them over to you in the Netherlands!! Spain is in such a mess at the moment, I'm surprised that it's taken this long.

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A bit of good news then

it is slowly filtering through that it does not have to be like daylight 24hours a day

generally I think most of us would be happy with a reduction of light to say 50% of current levels

this wou;ld still leave enough for the general public to see where they are going


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