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M27 bagged


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Tonight i just did M27 with lots of clouds about and poor seeing but still hey i got an image of it :)

It's not great but it's my first so i am happy with it, 7x 14sec exposure's..



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Hi James, great image matey. Going to add that to my list as well seeing you can get something that good with only 7 x 14 seconds.

As Russ said get 30 frames like tha an you'll have a fantastic image on your hands...

Was that taken with your new SC1.5?

Have you tried using the Fringe Killer you bought the other week to reduce the blue glow around the brighter stars?



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Hi Ant,Russ

Cheers guy's looking at it now it's not a bad effort :).

As you both rightly say a few more images to stack and i would get something decent out of it..

The coolpix 4500 was used and no fringe killer to be honest there wasnt a great deal of effort put into the night as i was feeling ill at the tme(still am). I will be using the fringe killer in the future though as the coolpix cameras tend to create there own CA..


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Thanks, M27 in the eyepiece was wonderfull after i spent half n hour's time observing it and taking in the details. My 18mm ep showed it the best and i suspect the 10mmep a good night would be even better!. As for changing my vote ask me in a couple of months time :)


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It really is quite strikeing the amount of detail that you can see at the eyepiece i will certainly be spending more time on this beauty soon esp when i am in the right frame of mind..

Come on clouds bog off! :pottytrain4:


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