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First Moon image


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Last night I got my first look at the moon through my scope. It was spectacular. Seeing something that you think you know so well in such a different light is amazing.

I managed to get a sort of semi-decent shot holding my camera up to the eyepiece. Focusing was tricky but I like it...


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Really nice image! Love the detail :(

I got a nice one via my iPhone up to the eyepiece last night, should have used my 12MP Canon though. Can't wait to get a t-piece so I can hook my dslr up to the scope! And motors for the mount. And a webcam. And a new laptop that'll take the stacking processing. Oh the list is growing the more I see and I only managed 10 minutes between clouds last night LOL

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Thanks guys!

I've only had my scope for a couple of weeks, so I'm trying not to get sucked into imaging just yet, but the moon looked so beautiful I couldn't resist having a go! I just adjusted the contrast a bit and got rid of the CA... I have PS elements, so I might play around with it in that, see what I can get!

It's been horizon to horizon clouds here the last few days, but fingers crossed it'll be clear by the weekend and I can try again!

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