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bgo 12.5


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:)cant believe this just found one brand new in a astro shop phoned them up at 21.00 tonight they answered the phone confirmed the e.p. and they had it in stock i payed there and then will recieve it tuesday. how lucky am i:):(:):D:):p

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due to the number of p.m.s that i have recieved over this i might as well put it on hear. i have phoned the astro shop and i had the last one lol. but thet are expecting more in heres the linkhttp://www.seeviewo.org/catalog/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=4

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They have been discontinued as I understand it and are being replaced by Baader Classic Orthos. The BCO's are cheaper and different focal lengths. Not seen any reviews of them yet.


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Hi... Just to fill everyone in a little more..

The main UK distributors have had these on back order with Baader for some time now, the issue being that Baader themselves don't have any in stock.

In turn of course once the UK retail outlets have depleted their own stock they have placed them on back order with the UK distributors. I'm afraid the current status for a delivery date is still "unknown".


It's a great pity if they have been discontinued as they were "steady" sellers and good eyepieces...

They compared very well with my personal collection of orthoscopics when I first tried them out. Partly I think because the modern coatings are better than mine.

As far as I'm aware the Classic Orthoscopic series mentioned earlier aren't available at the moment and I've certainly not had a chance to see one or try it out and so can't comment on how they perform.

From what I can see the focal lengths are 6mm, 10mm, 18mm and 32mm.

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I had a good (but brief) session last night, unfortunately not with a bgo 12.5 :)

However, the ES82 14mm variety did show some of it's qualities with the Saturnian universe "are those pin pricks moons?" :hello2:

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very cloudy here last night,better tonight but have to get up at 4 tommorrow as my 4 days off have finished damm. if you want to see the 12.5 dunkster have a look at my eyepiece cases in this section along with the 9mm and my 16mm nirvana ha ha

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