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Well as the title suggests I bagged Saturn tonight for the first time, and I wasn't disappointed. The only thing was I wish I could have got it pin sharp. Don't get me wrong, it was clear(ish), unmistakingly Saturn but not sharp. My question is was the lack of sharpness down to atmospheric conditions or lack of quality of my ep. I had to use my 10mm that came with the scope and my 2.5x barlow. I'm not expecting miracles but from what I can gather from other users of AM130 on SGL I should be able to get pin sharp images. Still delighted with what I've seen tonight though. CLEAR SKIES. Ally

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It is pretty cool isn't it. It made me giggle out loud when I first saw it on Tuesday night and I spent just over an hour looking at nothing else.

Assuming the scope is collimated spot on, then the image degradation will be down to EP quality, barlow quality and atmospherics I should think.

Still pleased for you nonetheless. It's brill isn't it !!

Scott :)

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Cheers guys and Welrod50 thats exactly what happened tonight, I let out a little yelp of accomplishment and joy when I got her. Might have to look at upgrading my 10mm then me thinks

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Congratulations on capturing this beautiful iconic celestial object. With regards to your view, well the focal length of the scope is 650mm which with a 5mm (10mm barlowed x2) would give you a magnification of x130. Theoretical maximum for a 130mm (@x40 per inch of aperture) is x200 which is absolute maiximum so your current level of magnification is well within that and taking onboard the seeing etc I would still expect the image to be better defined than, "..clear(ish)" although not 'pin' sharp because of those seeing conditions. Have you collimated your scope recently? It might also be worth join an astro club or observing group (South Wales Group on this forum) so as to go out observing with some of these guys and gals in order that you can get a second opinion as to whether the scope is in tight working order. Your idea of clear(ish) or pin sharp might be different to mine, so we are ultimately dealing with semantics and expectations I suppose.

Clear skies


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Nicely done, its quite a moment isn't it!

I also grabbed a view between clouds last night but like you not as sharp as last weekend. Definately some atmospheric interference. My scope was in garden all eve and collimated 2 days previously, so bang on there. Suffice to say, ANY veiw of Saturn leaves me speechless :D

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Cheers guys and Welrod50 thats exactly what happened tonight, I let out a little yelp of accomplishment and joy when I got her. Might have to look at upgrading my 10mm then me thinks

I dont bother with a Barlow...get a great and sharp veiw through the 6.3mm. Have tried x2 with a 10mm but never as sharp as the 6.3!

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I remember my first view of Saturn with my £50 refractor from Lydll :D

I got up at three in the morning and star hopped to find it. I couldn't stop smiling, and well worth getting out of bed for in the middle of the night!

I read a post where somebody on here described it as being 'painted' onto the sky. I couldn't have put it better.

Its at a fairly low altitude and I don't think that really helps 'seeing'.

Does anyone know if the altitude varies year to year? I thought it was higher in the sky a couple of years ago, but could be wrong.

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