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Guys,i took this back in march,a pigggyback job,not very sharp,one of my first tries at it,what i'm curious about is -

the nebulosity around the stars is slightly to the right of all of them,what could be causing this


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Steve ,i was using skywatcher 250 on heq5 mount.

I was just assuming that it was(probably wrongly).I've done very little astrophotography

but what little i have taken i have not noticed the blue fuzzyness before and just thought

that because there is nebulae in the m45 area that maybe i had managed to pick it up,wishfull thinking

It was a single 30 sec shot. not thru scope but piggybacked.

Whatever it is why is it biased towards the right side of the stars

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Could it be a combination of an overexposure issue and drift of the subject? The 'blue fringe' only seems apparent on the brighter objects and if there is also a slight 'drift' in the image the affect will show more on one side.

(Unless you really have got a 250mm achromatic refractor! :D)


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C,mon then, end the suspense, what were you using?

I worked on the assumption that the gear used was the Minolta Dimage piggybacked on the Skywatcher 250mm Newt' referred to in saturn 5's earlier post. Course I could be wrong.......It has been known! :D


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Your camera won't have an apochromatic lens so you'll get some blue colour fringing on bright objects. Focus is a bit soft as well which will make it worse.

The off centre colour fringing is strange, it's normally equal around the object. If it was an achromatic scope I would think that it could be slightly out of collimation - but a camera ?. Daft thought, but I suppose that you could try a shot of a bright star and defocus the camera to see if you get off centre Airey rings.


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Thanks for the help guys,i am planing a new dslr but that is another minefield,which camera :?

i'm also after a laptop so i can have starry night at my shed..i mean obbo :lol:fed up with leafing through

star charts.

Any tips on the which camera,preferably not much more than £500 or my bank manager(wife) might stop my pocket money.

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