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My First Visit To A Dark Sky Site

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Since I got my scope back in December I've only used it at my house which has an obstructed view to the South and light polluted and my parents house, obstructed view to the south again but very little light pollution.

I live very close to Cannock chase but I've been trying to work up the courage to go at night by myself and observe from a much darker location. Finally worked up that courage tonight :( .

I pulled up at my chosen site at about 10pm, still a few cars around but not many and set up, about 20 yards away from some guy lying on the ground smoking pot with his girlfriend, one way to enjoy the night sky. Other than that my only company for the 2 and a half hours was some annoying boy racers, I say annoying they came nowhere near me but their headlights kept disturbing my night vision.

Anyway had a look at some familiar sights and then tried some new ones tried to find the crab nebula but failed, suspect the moon was spoiling that one. I did however have more luck with M13 and M67 (I think, it was 60 something, I will check tomorrow) as well as the Double Cluster all amazing particularly that last one.

My main objective for the evening however was to have a good look at Saturn as apart from a brief 1 hour window it's obscured by my house when observing from my garden, I also wanted to try and get an image of it, I've been working hard on my Jupiter images but obviously that's getting increasingly difficult now.

Here's my first effort, I have plenty more footage to work with so am hopeful of improving upon this.


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try to go back when there's no moon, you should really benefit then. Enjoy the view, then ask your friend for a few puffs and lie back and contemplate the experience. But don't forget to being munchies !


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