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Baader/Telrad RDF's?????????

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Hi all. Been trying to get a handle on this subject for a while now. The stock rdf that came with my scope keeps having the irritating problem that everyone else suffers from where the on/off wheel doesn't work properly. It requires constant twiddling in order for it to work correctly, so I have had enough of it, therefore am looking for a replacement.

I am looking at the Baader skysurfer III (the one that looks like the celestron one) and also the Baader 40mm Super Sky Surfer V.

Has anyone had any experience of these? are they easy to retrofit to another scope? I don't want to invalidate the warranty by having to mess around too much.

I have also looked at the Telrad which looks reasonable. I do like the fact that you have the illuminated circles to act as a guide. Also is that one easy to fit? I noticed that there are various adaptions for it. Dew sheild (either mirrored or not), riser base etc. All in all if you get the accesories for it the price comes out at virtually the same as the big Baader one.

Thanks for your comments.........

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This all depends on what telescope you are attaching it to - I take it we're talking about your 127 Mak? In which case the Telrad might be a bit bulky for your scope. The Telrad needs a decent sized section of tube to fit it to, otherwise you will get into DIY territory. I have a telrad on my big dob but I wouldn't fancy it on my Mak. I just use a cheap red dot finder but then I'm only going after solar system stuff with the Mak so I don't need anything better. I don't have any experience of the Baaders but I'm sure someone else will be along in a minute with advice.

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I think if you just want a unitary finder then a good quality red dot makes more sense for your Mak than a Telrad. The key to a succesful red dot finder find is the diameter of the viewing screen - the bigger the screen the easier it is to visually locate the red, which can be a challenge with the smaller rdf's. Also, the degree of dew protection provided is another important factor.

I've used just about every finder going over the years and the Baader 40mm Mk V 40mm is the best of the bunch I.m.o.h. Built to a very high standard, very easy to use and has mini screw-on dew shields for both objective and viewer ends of the finder. Not cheap but worth the money.

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The Baader Mk V is a red dot riffle sight made in the far east. Well made it is, but an almost identical one can be picked up fairly cheaply if bought directly from the far east on eBay or on clearance from a outdoor sports shop.

I prefer the Telrad to actually use, but it is unnecessarily bulky and long overdue for a modern redesign.


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I use a Telrad and i'm very pleased with not only the unit, but the free add-ons, there are Telrad Maps just do a google, and Stellaruim has the Telrad Circles built in to its display (Windows Mode, Alt-O) added a picture to show the size....


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Hi Malc, got the same Mak as you, I tried the RACI 10 x 50 finder from Orion - not a good idea - very heavy, so re balanced the scope, switched on and aligned RA movement was ok, but when it came to move in Dec, I looked through the ep whilst the scope was moving in DEC and saw the scope "jump" and going to Mars - it was way off.

Fitted the very poor red dot back on and think I've just got to live with it. I re balanced the tube off the mount and thought this would be ok, but I just think its too much weight for such a small scope - so be careful. Paul.

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