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saturn finally!!!!

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well i've finally got my first views of saturn and WOW!!! well worth the wait and every penny i spent on the telescope. think i saw 2 or 3 moons and some surface bands similar to jupiter though not as pronounced. or did i let my imagination run wild. either way its an experience i'll never forget. just had to share that.

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Was out looking at Saturn tonight it really is amazing. I think I could make out one moon I was using a 15mm ep. May sound funny question but if I get new ep say maybe a 7 or 8mm will I be able to see much more I have only used my scope 3 times every time I go out I seem to come back with more questions.

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Was out looking at Saturn tonight it really is amazing. I think I could make out one moon I was using a 15mm ep. May sound funny question but if I get new ep say maybe a 7 or 8mm will I be able to see much more I have only used my scope 3 times every time I go out I seem to come back with more questions.

What scope do you have?

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Good view of Saturn last night even though it was low down. I tried my new 8mm bst Starguider on it and was very pleased with it. I didnt realise until later than using it with my 2x barlow on my 150 dob was giving 300x, way above the ideal. Thought I could make out some faint banding and 'Cassini'.

Mars was even better could see faint grey surface marks quite clearly. Is there a site that shows you what Mars looks like on a particular night?

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well i've finally got my first views of saturn and WOW!!! well worth the wait and every penny i spent on the telescope. think i saw 2 or 3 moons and some surface bands similar to jupiter though not as pronounced. or did i let my imagination run wild. either way its an experience i'll never forget. just had to share that.

It was my first chance with my new scope last night too - it was superb. I am sure I only saw one moon and just the faintest of hints of the Cassini division but the viewing was a bit wobbly and I packed up soon after 11. I was just using the stock skywatcher 10mm EP and 2x barlow on my shiny new 200p.

What time were you viewing? I was wondering at the time if the viewing would improve as the planet rose in the sky but the thought of kids and work next morning sent me packing off to bed.


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Well done, I too see the banding of the planet very clearly and was very supprised as all I read about are the rings. The banding was my wow moment too as the rings were obviously going to be there.

Another wow moment was the yellow to green colour in the bands!

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I was looking around 11.30 last night. Saturn was still lowdown and SE to me, not my best area as there is alot of LP in that direction from Black Country Route. Could see two at least moons but then again they could have been faint stars in fov.

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What time were you viewing? I was wondering at the time if the viewing would improve as the planet rose in the sky but the thought of kids and work next morning sent me packing off to bed.


about 10.00 til 11.00. i had to pack up early or i wouldn't get up for early start at work.

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I was looking around 11.30 last night. Saturn was still lowdown and SE to me, not my best area as there is alot of LP in that direction from Black Country Route. Could see two at least moons but then again they could have been faint stars in fov.

Very handy Saturn moon position calulator here (and one for Jupiter)

I was very pleased to find that I had been looking at Titan last night

More this evening hopefully!


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