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........ My pet hate is the berks who drive BMW's at 90mph right up to your bumper when you are travelling at the speed limit, and want you to get out of the way because they are so much more important than you.

I've been to far too many RTA's to drive at that pace.

I know it's controversial and a generalisation, but it always seems to be a five series owner!!!!! I have to force myself not to drive over the top of their german exotica with my twenty year old Landrover!!!!

JV.. a little left foot braking will always see them off :wink::cool::lol::p:evil:. They'll be wondering why you aren't slowing down too as they fade away :clouds2:

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My pet hate is the berks who drive BMW's at 90mph right up to your bumper when you are travelling at the speed limit, and want you to get out of the way because they are so much more important than you.

I have a tendency to flick the rear fog lamps on..... :lol: Usually does the trick..

Or the Ford Mondeo owners who sit in the middle lane....Nothing in the outside lane and nothing in the inside lane....They just sit there.....In the middle lane.. :wink:

May I declare this thread truly hijacked... :cool:

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I believe there is a bit of the French driving test, that you must be no more than 2 metres from the car in front :shock: I think it has some thing to do with fuel economy, or maybe they feel lonely if the distance is any greater :wink:

Mind you, any country that insists that you drive from the passenger side!!!!!!!! ( sorry astroman & WH when thay read this)

naz :cool::lol::p:evil:

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Oooh, controversial stuff! I think we can just agree that caravans on the move and BMW drivers are terrible and leave it at that.

As for people in the middle lane, or indeed anyone hacking you off in your car, it tends to be just a momentary blip to a biker. They have a certain amount of latitude due to their small size and outrageous power. One thing we used to do for a hoot if someone was getting too close or hacking us off was to get in front of them and then use your left foot to press the bikes centre-stand down onto the road, causing masses of sparks to fly everywhere. They think you're about to explode or come off and they back off sharpish. Very spectacular at night, breaks the ice at parties.

As for BMW and Astra GTE drivers I used to take great pleasure in winding them up. I used to cruise up behind them just a little faster than they were going and with my head down. They'd think you were gunning it and they'd begin accelerating to try and stop you overtaking, believing they were actually in with a chance. Once they'd reached a fair old speed, belching blue smoke and weaving around well chuffed with their car, I'd drop the bike into second or third, sit up and pass them like they were going backwards. Never failed to amuse me.

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I tried the c/stand trick once too often. Broke the L/H side off below the cross piece! :wink:

Fortunately it wasn't by bike I was riding at the time. Managed to convince the owner that it was such a great machine for 'ear 'oleing' I'd got carried away. :cool:

Couple of bikes from the last century.



(click to enlarge)

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Oh dear! We will let you off KK because the offending vehicle is your better half's and she is definitely not a 23 year old sales rep in a River Island suit....and if she is 23 you are one lucky astronomer!


A controversial JV

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I had a black ZZR but always wanted the Burgundy one.

I had a red one, but I had a small incident with the back of a land rover and wrote it off (and nearly me too!). Howe many blokes here are going to look at the third image and go "ooo...oww...ahhh.... eeekkkk...oooouch!"




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My friend used to race around on an old 2-stroke Elsie and one day managed to stright-line a roundabout and came off over the top of his bike, hitting the handlebars so hard with his legs that they buckled upwards. He evened them out with a hammer and drove with them like that for the rest of the bikes life. It used to amuse us no end when people would stop at rallys and ask him where he got the cool handlebars, and he'd say "well, I made them myself".

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