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And here it is, my 8" dob

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Arrived today. Put it together in no time and Ill be darn.....clear skies!!!! Took it out straight away and fired upon the moon....

Rather frustrating as blumming Mars was lurking above the moon and I do not have the equipment yet to get a proper image of it, only standard 25mm and 10mm EP. Plus I got to align the finder scope with the 8" so I gotta get that sorted but an amazing trial run and very very amazed!! Even took a chance to take a few shots placing my phone against the eyepiece lol I was way too excited!




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great scope astro-nova, they're really good pictures with your phone. Hope mine will be as good when i get a scope. using binoculars for now not great but better than nothing lol. Vince

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Ah yes, didn't you fund this scope by selling stuff on eBay? Well done mate, delighted to see you got the Skyliner at last! I did the same thing - all my stuff has been auctioned off and the funds are in the bank... but now just, when i'm ready to buy one, everywhere is sold out of Skyliner 200P's (possibly until April)!! Ah well, patience is a virtue I guess. Enjoy!

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Thank you all for the nice comments and sarcy ones lol always nice to joke a lil!!!

Could not believe I was able to take quite nice shots with my phone.

And am very proud of me scope :D

Yes Zero-G have got no possessions left apart from my telescope thanks to ebay haha. There are lots of 8" dobs on the net for sale. ranging from 270.00 to 285.00. Had mine from scopes 'n skies. Should be able to find them following the links people send on this forum, I just googled it and collected as many sites as possible and compared the lot.

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Well done mate you look happy as a pig in poo :headbang:. Nice pics of the moon :D its amazing what you achieve with these scopes. I got a SW150p dob a few weeks back. You wait until you see jupiter and saturn through it you will be jumping round the garden on a high all your neighbours will think your mental.

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You wait until you see jupiter and saturn through it you will be jumping round the garden on a high all your neighbours will think your mental.

Oh man I can not wait for that, Will try when I got my finder aligned with the scope first, but I have no barlow or any low diameter EP's yet :headbang:

Unless u tell me different but I assume Jupiter and all that will have to wait till I add some better equipment to the scope

lol pig in poo.....I like that saying :D

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Wow nice pictures allready! You just held your phone against the eyepiece? That's amazing. I'm going to try my DLSR as soon as the skies are clear and can use my motor system (need a battery pack still).

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Nice cat btw

Here's a tip: don't let it climb into the tube when stored :D Mine tried, but didn't succeed luckily. The hairs can be cleaned i guess, but the nails... No the nails on the mirror !!! :headbang:

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nice scope [same as mine ] have the skywatcher barlow and tbh i ain't used it much [have the skywatcher 7-21mm zoom and thats not to bad] i am going to buy this next payday Revelation Photo Visual Eyepiece and Filter Kit as it seems to get good write up and iif/when i do i will probably sell the zoom lens [got it for free from bloke i bought scope from ]

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