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Why can I see the end of my telescope thought the webcam?


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Lee, just a friendly tip mate, no offense or busy bodyiness intended on my part.... Might be best if you don't have the "I am here" on your signature mate - just a friendly bit of advice. The police strongly advise against this, it basically says "lots of expensive and easily resalable astronomy stuff possibly in a shed/garage in the neighborhood....."

Couple of mates had there house emptied of ten grand of top end hifi kit and another had his bikes nicked and the police pointed this out to them both are big forum contributors and had this "here I am" link..... Thieves are very resourceful nowadays.

I bet you are centered somewhere on that map....

Anyway, not for me to tell you what to do. Just a heads-up....

Cheers, Steve

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Country and city is mostly safe I'd say.

But on topic, did you get it working with the focus now? :)

What i did was to clue on a plastic tube that fitted on the scope, but be careful so you glue it on perfectly the first time. sensor in dead center, and at a 100% flat angle (normally it won't be flat if you just glue it straight on as the components on the circuit board makes the tube go at a slight angle witch means that when you try to focus it, the whole sensor won't be in focus at the same time, giving you a useless pic), and use glue that doesn't flex. and most of all, weather and heat/cold resistant glue.

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Thanks Steve I totally agree I didnt even realise it has that map with my location on. I'll be talking it off now.

Yeah I got all the focusing right now thank you for the help I took the lense put an put the cap back on do it just fits snug into the old 10mm I used as a mount so I didnt even need to align it :D I did go out last night but it was too windy to get a decent capture. I'll post an image when I get a good night viewing.

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