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Reticule eyepiece


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Considering the cost of a reticule eyepiece - bet it illuminated or cross hair - I was wondering: would a surplus cheap £5 25mm eyepiece with a carefully marked dot in the centre of the lens work just as well? I know the crosshairs can show the travel of an object and allow for easier corrections, but I am thinking more of for lining an object up perfectly centre in the eyepiece for aliging a goto mount.

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The "dot" would need to be on/at the focal plane of the eyepiece...where the aperture stop is positioned.

You could make up a small ring with a couple of fine cross-wires ( the fine transformer wire from ol' transistor radios works well) and position this inside the eyepiece at the focus????

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I remember back in the day (1970s), I tried a project published in Sky and telescope or something which used one of your own hairs to make a reticule, by gluing then in an X in an old eyepiece! You had to get the position precise to ensure the hairs were in focus, but it worked as far as I recall.

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How much is "too much" for the illuminated reticle EP?

I recently purchased one from Sky's the Limit (or whatever they're called) for about £36. It's perhaps not as well-engineered as an £80 one, but it does the job for me.


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I bought a Meade one years ago and it was both expensive and awful, with black paint kicking about on the inside. I can't think why I didn't send it back.

I also have a home made one with wire cross hair. It isn't bad but sags in hot weather! The one that comes with the Altair Astro finderscope is pretty good.


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How much is "too much" for the illuminated reticle EP?

I recently purchased one from Sky's the Limit (or whatever they're called) for about £36. It's perhaps not as well-engineered as an £80 one, but it does the job for me.


I new I saw one around that price somewhere. Just checked for you and it's £37.99. Looks the same as my one (mead or skywatchers). I paid about £85 around 5 years ago.:)

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