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Skywatcher 150PL unpacking and set up


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My New Skywatcher 150PL and EQ3 mount finally turned up this morning at 08.00.

Three boxes which are the scope, the mount and the RA motordrive.

Everything was present and correct (including the allen key).

All items were packaged well.

The instruction manual was easy enough to understand although i did have to read certain parts a couple of times.

On the whole it went together very well and feels nice and solid.

Balancing and collimation were relatively painless. Ideally you will buy a collimator with the scope. I didn't. the instructions waffle on about making one from an old Film Cannister.........what planet are they on??? when was the last time the average person had an old film cannister rollong around the house. I chose a different method. Using a red hot needle and a pair off pliers (to hold said Hot Needle), I punched a hole through the Focussing Removable dust cap. Not ideal but it worked. The secondary was way out but adjusted easily enough. The primary wasn't too bad and only required a few turns.

I know its not the best way to do it but at least it is very close now which will have to do until i get a laser Collimator.

Still got some reading to do to understand how the RA & Dec clocks work in relation to find stars etc but the scope is pretty much set up. Two things surprised me.....The size and the overall weight. just need to wait now until the Gods decide to give me the weather to try "First Light".

Hope this helped or at least showed new members considering this Scope what to expect.

Clear Skies.


PS: I went with the 150PL in the end over the 150P as reviews said it was a bit more user friendly and would be more tolerant on cheaper EP's.






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the instructions waffle on about making one from an old Film Cannister.........what planet are they on???

They are actually quite useful for storing little things, I think many people have some in a drawer somewhere. Or maybe it's just me. Anyway, realizing that they are exactly the right size was very useful to me when I was starting and didn't want to spend money on anything.

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Nice scope, hope we get some good clear skies soon do you get to try it out. Yes film canisters are getting rather thin on the ground these days, pity though as the canisters were very useful for quite a few purposes besides colomation.

Don't forget to invest in some decent EP's minimum quality I'd recommend would be Celestron X-Cel LX or similar.

Oh and if I were you I'd remove that toy ( Tasco 60mm) from your sig now you own a proper scope, still I guess you could always use it as a finder perhaps!

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