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I love watching the ISS flyovers, especially when you point it out to someone who hasn't seen it before. The guys are right, its like a moving Venus. Not sure where you are located but there's a chance you can break your duck around 7.00am tomorrow, if you're skies are clear. Big if.

I always use this site

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You can also use a free piece of software that you can download from the net called Stellarium. Here: Stellarium

Its a great tool, I use it a lot and worth having for planning what you are going to view before setting up.

When you see the ISS you will be amazed. When you are watching it pass don't be surprised if it suddenly disappears, this is as it falls into the shadow of earth as the light you are seeing is the sun reflecting off it.

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I think the next decent high-level 'flypast' of the ISS during the early evening is on the 14th of Feb, until then all the visible passes are during the early hours of the morning.

There are a couple on the previous couple of evenings but they don't get very high in the sky.

(Info for the Dorset area/south coast)

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