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Jupiter - check!


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Hey guys!

I was expecting my telescope for 2 weeks and yesterday it finally arrived! SkyWatcher Capricorn-70 refractor telescope! Took me about an hour to put it together since this is my first "real" telescope after the ones my grandpa made for me when I was a kid.

Yesterday it was kinda cloudy and I could only see for a minute few stars from Orion and Sirius. Today like 50 minutes ago the sky got clearer and I managed to see Jupiter! With 25mm lens I could see it good enough with Callisto and Ganymede. With my Barlow lens as addition though, I even saw 2 dark lines on Jupiter and of course everything a bit clearer then before.

It's cold and the wind was making it kinda hard to stablelise it completely so I had to stop for now, but it was just GREAT! :) I am defiantly looking forward to see more, starting with the moon and Saturn, although I'll have to wait a bit for those to show up for me on time and position.

I just wanted to share my excitement. This is the first time I see it as a little circle and not like a blurry star-like thing. :D

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Hi Reni,

It's kinda cool isn't it. Jupiter's excellent at the moment, though the skies aren't the clearest at the moment IMO, and that means it can get better still!

Saturn's definitely worth a look, but you'll have to be up early :)

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Pleased to hear you are enjoying your new toy :)

I too saw Jupiter for the first time tonight and was stood there saying wow!

You will be amazed when you get looking at the moon, its fantastic, I love showing friends the moon through my scope they just cannot believe the detail etc.

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It was really awesome, the WOW effect was there absolutely! :D I don't mind waiting some time to see even more things, I wanted to do it since I was a kid so what is a bit more! I really can't wait for the moon either! And I am guessing that I will eventualy see them better, not only because the weather is all weird in Netherlands, but also because I will get more used to the telescope and I will learn how to better use it! This is gonna be legen... wait for it.... dary! (sorry, had to say it :) )

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Reni -not sure where you are located, but I find the light pollution is terrible in Holland. I have this cool site which pinpoints the darker sites here. LINK

A darker viewing site will triple your WOW factor IMO.:)

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Great thread, the excitement from the posts given is infectious :), it never leaves you when seeing such a marvel as Jupiter for the first time with a telescope, that goes for Saturn, The Moon and many more objects. I am sure you'll enjoy looking at them just as much in the weeks ahead :)

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Hehe indeed. Unfortunately the weather is pretty bad those days so I can't watch at all. Tomorrow is supposed to be very cold so maybe that will clear the sky a bit. Still so much to see!

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I'm really considering it. Stellarium says it's should be visible through my little south window around 6am. I don't know if later in February it won't be there earlier or later. Considering the bad weather I gotta wait anyway.

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Great you have been hooked, it is one of those things that unless you really stop to look you don't appreciate what is out there and how really fragile we on earth are. Always amazes me with jupiter, she looks so sedate yet the awesome power she holds bares thinking about. Yes Saturn, now she really is a beauty. Few things to look at, Pliedes (the 7 sisters, just awash with stars, and things like the hercules cluster, that never fails to keep me looking. All the best and clear skys.

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Congratulations :D I bet it must be a fantastic feeling seeing something like with clarity despite it being so far away :(

I'm going to an observatory open night tonight so I'm hoping, with a bit of luck, I may be able to have a look through one of their telescopes!

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