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The weather is against me


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I am now proud owner of dobsonian telescope. I have had it maybe 1 and half weeks now and haven't been able to use it single time yet. 2 Times i have dragged the thing to the car and driven to a dark place about an hour just to see the clouds have rolled back in. Last night there was tiiiiiny bit of clear sky so i could try it out with moon trough my bedroom window. Ofcourse not the best thing to do but atleast i have seen trough the scope atleast once.

I must tell you....this is quite frustrating. :(

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Think you've fallen victim to the typical new 'scope curse. Though the skies have been terrible all over the past couple of weeks. Since Christmas I've only got out twice and they weren't very productive sessions because the seeing wasn't great.

Congrats on the new 'scope though, Dobsonians are great. :(

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I just stripped my scope down and flocked it, its all back together Collimated properly i hope as the Secondary mirror is a bit of a bitch to get back to its proper position, so i carried it all out at 15:45 waiting for a star to test on, found Jupiter a star test was good, Capella should be in view about 16:30, so the clouds rolled in at 16:25, packed it all away fingers crossed for tomorrow...:(

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Well you're not alone, I got a Canon 1000d for my birthday 2nd week in November and I've only imaged with it once due to the poor weather and even with the 20 or so images I took only 2 had any detail in them that was useful.

This weather has to break at some point! (biting nails frantically)

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Just keep looking out the window, don't necessarily plan for darksites (you lost your first chance through driving), keep a good eye on the weather sites (metoffice, metcheck.com etc.) and look at the sat images to see where the weather is going.

And don't be afraid to take the scope out if it's cloudy with clear patches, just keep a keen eye out for rain and have a very hand cover to chuck over it in emergencies :( Astronomy in the UK is an art all in it's own right, just got to learn to take your chances when you can.

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I setup under blue skies this afternoon. The clouds rolled in just before sunset. I managed to get a peek at Jupiter for 5 mins just now. Here's hoping there might be a break in the clouds later.

What with cloud and strong winds, I haven't managed any imaging or observing (save for 5 mins this eve) since the 18th December.

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Dont know what all the fuss is about, I managed two excelent pictures of the moon, as you can see, one even has a hypanova in it (or is it the street lamp, not sure)

But seriously, I hope the weather does improve by the 28th, looks like the South Wales meet is getting more participents, propably because everyone is fed up of being stuck inside.




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