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IC1805 - a start in Ha


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After my focus testing last night I did a little narrowband work before the clouds rolled in, although with my 12nm Ha filter I still get some interference from the moon, but it wasn't TOO bad last night so I did a couple of hours on IC1805. I still have a ways to go, but did a process on the data I had so far. I do plan on doing full narrowband and might do a small mosaic to get the whole Heart - but that will depend on how many clear nights I actually get in the next couple of months.

First I have to get a couple more hours on Ha to smooth it out some more, but here is where its at so far.


Scope: Orion EON80ED

Camera: Atik 314L+

Filter: Astronomik Ha 12nm

Integration: 135 min (9x900s)


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