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Sky-Watcher SKYLINER 250PX or 200p

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You can certainly see DSOs in the 200P dob :)

Things which I would consider are budget; physical size; observing location; if you have to travel then do you have a vehicle large enough to transport your chosen telescope; how much light pollution do you have to deal with; the 200P is F6 so is more tolerant of cheaper eyepieces and collimation.

Personally, I like my 200P and you'll find plenty of posts from happy owners of both telescopes :)

Have fun choosing ;)

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Get the bigger of the two. The 10" is the same length tube as the 8" so if you could manage the 8 you probably could manage the 10. If you go for the 8 I reckon you'd always wonder what things would have looked like if you'd gone bigger. The mirror in the 10" is more than 50% bigger than the 8" mirror therefore DSO's will always look better than in the 8".

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For deep sky observing the sky is THE most important factor.

The darker your sky the more and better you will see.

Only after sky comes aperture. Never substitute aperture for sky quality

In other words choose the scope you can get to dark skies.

If you can manage the 10" get it. If not, get the 8".

Regards Steve

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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i live on a estate but im the end house with a big garden on clear nights we can make out the milkyway. i aslo have a field that i keep my banger cars in (the middle of no where) not a house or street light for about a mile and a half. i have a estate car so transport to the field is no problem

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I can only repeat what has been said above. True that a bigger scope will be better under the same sky conditions, but there's not a huge difference between the two and the best thing you can do is try and get whatever scope to the darkest sky you can if possible for you to do. Whatever you decide there is plenty for you to see.

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