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UFO on telly, not yet identified I dont think.


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It reminds me of an insect they are calling 'Rods'....very very fast flyers....I remember watching in awe some footage of these creatures on a docu a few years ago :)

Oh yes...they have been seen as big as 3mtrs long!! Wierd things they are

Edit: Lol if I scrolled down...they even say Rods haha....

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That is weird, yes. Could be compression though. I spent a little time looking at some of the other examples of "rods" and most of them are very obviously insects. Another is clearly a golf ball. People seem to be very willing to turn the mundane into the fantastical.

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Rods are nothing more than paused video of any fast moving insect or other avian life, the faster it flies the more distortion you get when you pause the footage and the bigger and faster the flying animal the longer they appear.

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