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Carrying a Dob and other SW Dob-related thoughts

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Hi all.

Gogle returns plenty of hits when searching for "carrying a dobsonian", however most of them boil down to "bite the bullet and carry it".

I've got a SW 8" whose scope can be detached from the fairly large and heavy base in a matter of seconds. So, there we have the two usual Dob pieces. The base has got a nice handle, however carrying the scope and the base together is next to impossible.

Here I start asking myself why not to attach a shoulder strap to the scope? The base has got three 3mm holes with 0.5mm thread. The bottom end of the strap can be attached there, and the top end should wrap the tube below and against the viewfinder. Don't think such a design should do any damage (requiring subsequent collimation).

What do people think?

Also, and this is the only gripe regarding my SW so far - the mirror at the bottom is completely unprotected from the outside. It may possibly be the thin 1/12 mirror, relatively fragile. I know, the cooling speed etc etc, but a nicely ventilated piece of a thin plywood or plastic attached using the same three 3mm holes would do nicely, no?

Appreciate if you let me know your thoughts...

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I have been carrying mine with the 2 handles that hold the ota to the base. Not sure if this is the best idea in the longrun but it works just now. If someone has any idea why this isnt a good idea then I shall stop carrying it that way :)

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I have been carrying mine with the 2 handles that hold the ota to the base. Not sure if this is the best idea in the longrun but it works just now. If someone has any idea why this isnt a good idea then I shall stop carrying it that way :)

My back is in a good shape, but felt it could give way at any time when lifting the Dob without detaching the base.

This way I could carry it only a few yards, whereas e.g. the Baker Street Irregulars meet a few hundred yards off the nearest parking spot.

Carrying the tube using a sholder strap while carrying the base by the handle is a walk down the park though %-]

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I like the idea of a carrying strap but I'd be reluctant to try and attach one to the 200P dob OTA. I'd be worried the weight of the mirror would pull the strap too much at one end and distort the tube :)

Perhaps a set of tube rings & dovetail might offer a way to attach a strap?


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  • 2 weeks later...
I like the idea of a carrying strap but I'd be reluctant to try and attach one to the 200P dob OTA. I'd be worried the weight of the mirror would pull the strap too much at one end and distort the tube :)

Perhaps a set of tube rings & dovetail might offer a way to attach a strap?


Aha! Much easier than that! Plenty of webbing and an inexpensive carabiner!

Hopefully, not much damage to the tube. At least nothing that collimation won't be able to rectify.





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and what have you come dressed as?

a telescope bro

The costume has arrived a tad too late for the Halloween.

But hey - it works, and works well!

For those in London - hopefully see you in Regents Park on Wednesday.

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