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Jupiter Oct 19th auto dob & dfk

Space Cowboy

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This is all I got last night just one 2 min avi I HATE CLOUD!!! Not a great image but just posting to show I did not completely waste my time lol

I actually looked at the Histo on this and it was about 60%, settings identical to Oct 15th but transparancy was far better though seeing was wobbly. Taken at 11.57pm. DFK + 5X powermate. 3300 stack.


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Thats pretty good. Nice and clean and lots of detail coming through despite the slight softness. Is that F30? its a lot better than my F30 attempt last night. I got clouded out too in the end. Put an end to my hopes of doing a substantial animation. Secretly I was kind of glad though, it was pretty damn cold!

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Cheers guys! Yes Jupiterholic (that name becomes more appropriate every time you knock out more of those cracking shots) this was indeed f30, keep trying for that big fish (especially one with a red spot!)

I did also make some progress fixing the tracking issues which still persist when the object is rising in the east by adding a counterweight to the OTA. The scope is nose heavy for sure. So last nights work was productive despite the cloud.

Cheers Alan! This image is almost identical to the spc shot i took on 15th.

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I did also make some progress fixing the tracking issues which still persist when the object is rising in the east by adding a counterweight to the OTA. The scope is nose heavy for sure. .

Stuart, I have the same mount and found driving a rally car in a computer game via the keyboard was much more relaxing :)

Are you going to post a tute on improving tracking :):D:evil6::D

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Did not know you had an auto Dob too Clayton. Yes nimble finger work does pay off especialy when I was doing 6 min avis on Saturn lol There is a guy on here who is doing some interesting tests on the auto/goto Dobs :



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