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Shopping Time.. (HEQ5 vs NEQ6)


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hi all.. =)..

ok this has been an old topic.. ive searched the forum for many weeks on end now.. but im finding contradicting information.. here's the scenario..

i had brought a Skywatcher Explorer 200pds a couple of months back.. now im in a position to order a mount for it.. plus some EPs.. the amount i have in my pocket.. EUR 1250..

i can go for an HEQ5 Pro Synscan costing EUR 780.. or i could stretch my budget up to the limit and get an EQ6 SkyScan Pro costing EUR 1000.. then there is an NEQ6 Skyscan Pro too costing EUR 1050..

many people have recommended the NEQ6 as a must for good imaging.. but many people also have been using HEQ5 for imaging too without any problems.. so which should i get? i need to have feedback from people who've had the luxury of trying out these mounts.. also.. whats the difference between EQ6 and NEQ6? i didn't see any difference apart from the fact that NEQ6 has a "losmandy level".. whatever that is.. =S.. finally.. the store im buying from is http://www.teleskop-express.de.. that is a limitation imposed upon me..

ive read that sooner or later youd need to get autoguiding equipment.. if that is so.. doesnt that put the NEQ6 and HEQ5 in the same line?

help me out here folks.. i cry out for your help..


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Ah, I remember having that problem a few years back. I eventually went for the EQ6 Pro (as it was then) on the advice of forum members. I have since sold it to another member, but if you have to set up nightly I warn you it is damn heavy!


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First Answer.... I havnt got or owned a EQ6 or NEQ6, but looking at that site, it sates :

Difference EQ6 to N-EQ6:

Telescope mounting: via 3" dovetail clamp

for Losmandy Dovetail bar holders and similar

The losmandy dovetail plate : First Light Optics - ADM Losmandy-type Universal Dovetail bars

Vixen style dovetail : First Light Optics - ADM Vixen-type Dovetail for Optical Tubes

I think you will find that your 200PDS has the Vixen Dovetail unless you have upgraded it. They are just different ways of mounting the scope.

I have the 200P, and it is happy on the HEQ5, but i think it would be better suited on the EQ6.

It is a heavy bit of kit, and probably on the limit of the HEQ5, especially if you start adding guide scope and cameras Etc...

Hope that helps


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If you can afford it then go for the NEQ6. The HEQ5 is supposed to be a good bit of kit but as said by Keiran the 200PDS plus guide scope camera etc would be happier on the EQ6.

Yes it is heavy but if you take the weights off it is manageable.

For me my mount upgrade was a significant expense but I now have a mount which is future proof, for a while at least, and for me buying in Cyprus it was a couple of hundred Euros more as well.

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I echo the above from experience. The HEQ5 is a capable mount and can JUST manage a dslr and a 200p but it's not ideal for imaging. I'm using my HEQ5 with a WO Megrez 72 and it's much happier mount.

If you are planning on imaging and have the cash and want to use larger aperture scopes then the NEQ6 is what you should be aiming for. My 200p with mono camera,usb filter wheel and guide scope topped the scales at 13kg which is a heavy burden for the HEQ5 to guide.


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I echo the above from experience. The HEQ5 is a capable mount and can JUST manage a dslr and a 200p but it's not ideal for imaging. I'm using my HEQ5 with a WO Megrez 72 and it's much happier mount.

If you are planning on imaging and have the cash and want to use larger aperture scopes then the NEQ6 is what you should be aiming for. My 200p with mono camera,usb filter wheel and guide scope topped the scales at 13kg which is a heavy burden for the HEQ5 to guide.


Same here, I would have bought the NEQ6 if I could have afforded it, the HEQ5 is a bit of a trail with the 200pds.

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The ideal situation is to have the biggest mount you can afford firstly, to future proof against purchasing different scopes, imaging toys etc without having to change the mount as well. Secondly that in an ideal world, the imaging components should never exceed half of the mounts load capacity, the idea being to minimise backlash and to help secure accurate tracking without burdening the mount. The weight capacity as stated is aimed at observers rather than imagers. The popularity of both skywatcher mounts is in part due to the advantage of having an auto guider port facilitating the minor adjustment of motors to secure better tracking. This facility is available and identical on both and in itself, would not be a deal breaker in choosing between the HEQ6 over the NEQ6.

I read on another forum that ground vibrations, in particular from imager's own movements near their scope can contribute to the clarity of their final image, though this is often mistaken sometimes for poor seeing. To that end, if you have the additional funds, this would be another pointer toward the much heavier NEQ6 be it a more subtle reason but for some imagers, no less an important one.


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Hi there, I am in a similar dilemma, I am seriously thinking of the NEQ6, but need to ascertain whether the Skywatcher Explorer 300 PDS will not be too overweight on the mount once I have imaging equipment such a Canon EOS DSLR attached.

Someone also mentioned to me the EQ8 as more suitable for the 300 PDS, but I am looking to the audience for their words of wisdom

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Totally depends on your budget....If you can afford the EQ8 then why not. Also the new meade mounts look very interesting.

Hi SlipperySquid,

This is the only information I have on the EQ8 Mount

Skywatcher EQ8 product review at AstroFest - AstroFest 2011 Blog

Cannot see yet where it is being made available, and more importantly what are the technical specifications etc

Any links, input would be much appreciated

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wow.. first of all.. thank you all for your valuable feedback.. you all are what makes this site such a treasure for us all.. im so in love with this site.. =)..

i had decided upon EQ6 before too.. but i guess i got distracted by a couple of posts stating HEQ5 is adequate.. since i do wanna shift to imaging soon.. i guess ill have to go for EQ6..

one thing i wanna make sure.. keiran mentioned that EQ6 and NEQ6 are different only in the mounting.. losmandy vs vixen.. so i can safely settle for EQ6 instead of NEQ6.. but many of the following posts suggest strongly in favor of NEQ6.. so should it be NEQ6 or EQ6 for me? HEQ5 is out of the picture.. =)..

i think i know im being a bit dumb.. just wanna make sure.. =)..

thanks a lot guys.. =)

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Matt I think there are some subtle differences between the new and older version of NEQ6 like the illuminated polar scope red light adjustment (..what a mouthful that was!) that you can now do. AWEsim, try giving Steve at First Light Optics a ring to help you clarify the difference. Part of the problem was that some mounts had the new badge but were no different whilst others were.


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Never had an HEQ5 but I have just got an NEQ6.

It has a dual fit saddle for both SkyWatcher/Vixen and Losmandy size dovetails. It has a dimmer for the polarscope (essential!) and a screw on extension for the counterweight bar.

I have a 150P with a dew shield + Canon 1000D + MPCC + 9x50 finder with QHY5 guide cam on it and it is rock steady.

I was worried about the weight of the mount, but it is fine. I carry it through the house and out to the garden with the mount and head together, then the counter weight (I only need one weight to get a good balance), then the scope + bits.

Easy to set up and align and it's been great to use. (all three times so far :rolleyes: )

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hi all.. a few more questions regarding the NEQ6 mount.. well kind of.. please bear with me.. =).. if the questions are better suited in a new thread in a different forum then please let me know too..

im aware it has an autoguider port.. i intend to do imaging soon too.. which is why im trying to future-proof my investment.. but what exactly am i gonna need to autoguide my setup? ive read about pHD and EqMod etc (didnt understand much though).. plus came across SkyWatcher SynGuider too.. so my questions..

1. if i were to get a SkyWatcher Synguider.. i wouldnt need any other piece of equipment (camera, cables, etc) right? im under the impression everything is included in the box.. correct me if im wrong.. by everything i mean.. does it just collect a live feed to autoguide or does it also capture long exposure images too.. im guessing you need a guide scope with it and youd attach it to to the guidescope and plug its output to the autoguider port of the mount.. and attach a DSLR to the main scope to take the actual exposure.. is that correct?

2. also, the SynGuider resolution is like 510x492 pixels.. isnt that too less? the same thing also bugs me about webcam imaging.. you shoot a long AVI and process it thru registax and you end up with a 640x480 image? isnt DSLR a better option? you can easily get a 10MP camera.. should i be aiming for web cam imaging or DSLR imaging.. i have a 200PDS at f/5.0 but im also inclined to be able to image planets..

3. ive read quite a lot about EqMod and pHD imaging.. without understanding 80% of it all.. cuz im a novice and have recently started collecting my kit.. what do i actually need to be able to image using these programs and the NEQ6.. im guessing you need a guidecam, attach it to a guidescope, and somehow connect it to your laptop using a cable.. run the programs and allow them to connect and control your mount thru another cable or something.. and image separately by coupling a DSLR to the main scope.. is that right?

4. i just have the 200PDS with 9x50 finderscope right now.. no guide scope.. no mount.. no nothing.. i am ordering an NEQ6 very very soon.. if i were to go for imaging.. what bits of hardware would i need? im having the equipment brought from gilze, netherlands.. i dont want to find out ive missed some cables, cameras, EP adapters, etc cuz then id have to wait a long time to fill in the blanks.. so what im asking for is.. which i know is a lot.. if some of you folks who do image and have all the bits and pieces already in your posession.. to guide me to a list of items i'd need.. from cables, to devices, to software, to anything..

ps. i did read the sticky regarding autoguiding with SkyWatcher mounts but didnt understand half of it.. =(..

thanks a million people.. =)


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Hi again mate,

Using this forum can make the difference between getting the kit you need and wasting a load of money on stuff you don't ;)

As to the guiding options I use a modded finderscope (You can buy adapters now to connect cameras to finder scopes and saves the hassel of modding one) and an Orion starshoot auto guiding camera (Which is the same as a QHY5 with a couple of firmware differences I believe). I have known people on this forum use the Synguider but no one really raves on about it being fantastic, though I can't comment on using one myself.

I use both EQMOD and PHD for guiding once set up it's a breeze to use. In a nutshell EQMOD let's you do away with the handset,uses a nice interface and isn't that hard really to get your head around but it has to be connected to a laptop or PC and needs to be used in conjunction with planetarium software (Stellarium or Cartes du Ciel are the free ones).

Cable wise it depends on the guidecam though newer ones will come with an ST4 guideport.So it would be guidecam usb cable to laptop and then guidecam st4 cable to mount. PHD can be tricky to use but do a search on the forum and most people will have posted settings which work for them.

Another free program for combining (stacking) your images is DSS (deep sky stacker) that does what it say's on the tin and is a very capable piece of kit.

Remember this is all a large financial outlay so maybe start off with short unguided images first until you get to grips with how everything works together, like polar aligning,GOTO and just setting up everything.

So to just start off, you will have an NEQ6 a 200pDS and a DSLR.

Invest in a Bahtinov mask for your scope as you need to be in focus. You will also need some kind of remote for your camera for the long exposures and the relevant T adapter so your scope can be attached to the scope.

Become proficient using this set up and then move over to guiding etc. The more things you start adding to your imaging train (especially software) the more problems seem to arise and spending all your nights sorting out problems will leave you looking for another hobby :o

Oh, you will also need some sort of processing software for your images (GIMP is the free one) though Photoshop is the weapon of choice for most! So there's something else you will learn how to use :mad:

I don't know what else to put really, just become familiar with the kit you have and then move up to guiding etc if you feel it's for you. I think you will come up against enough hair pulling moments to keep you going for at least a couple of months!:rolleyes:


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totally awesome.. =).. totally answers my questions.. the previous ones.. thanks a lot astrobaby.. =)

Really useful, thanks very much, I am very much now in favour of the NEQ6 until I bottom out the roadmap of EQ8 availability.

Anyone know anything about the EQ8 spec\availability, as I understand EQ7 was scrapped?

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bumping this thread.. =).. if its in the wrong section, i can post it in a more suitable sub-forum..

hi all.. a few more questions regarding the NEQ6 mount.. well kind of.. please bear with me.. =).. if the questions are better suited in a new thread in a different forum then please let me know too..

im aware it has an autoguider port.. i intend to do imaging soon too.. which is why im trying to future-proof my investment.. but what exactly am i gonna need to autoguide my setup? ive read about pHD and EqMod etc (didnt understand much though).. plus came across SkyWatcher SynGuider too.. so my questions..

1. if i were to get a SkyWatcher Synguider.. i wouldnt need any other piece of equipment (camera, cables, etc) right? im under the impression everything is included in the box.. correct me if im wrong.. by everything i mean.. does it just collect a live feed to autoguide or does it also capture long exposure images too.. im guessing you need a guide scope with it and youd attach it to to the guidescope and plug its output to the autoguider port of the mount.. and attach a DSLR to the main scope to take the actual exposure.. is that correct?

2. also, the SynGuider resolution is like 510x492 pixels.. isnt that too less? the same thing also bugs me about webcam imaging.. you shoot a long AVI and process it thru registax and you end up with a 640x480 image? isnt DSLR a better option? you can easily get a 10MP camera.. should i be aiming for web cam imaging or DSLR imaging.. i have a 200PDS at f/5.0 but im also inclined to be able to image planets..

3. ive read quite a lot about EqMod and pHD imaging.. without understanding 80% of it all.. cuz im a novice and have recently started collecting my kit.. what do i actually need to be able to image using these programs and the NEQ6.. im guessing you need a guidecam, attach it to a guidescope, and somehow connect it to your laptop using a cable.. run the programs and allow them to connect and control your mount thru another cable or something.. and image separately by coupling a DSLR to the main scope.. is that right?

4. i just have the 200PDS with 9x50 finderscope right now.. no guide scope.. no mount.. no nothing.. i am ordering an NEQ6 very very soon.. if i were to go for imaging.. what bits of hardware would i need? im having the equipment brought from gilze, netherlands.. i dont want to find out ive missed some cables, cameras, EP adapters, etc cuz then id have to wait a long time to fill in the blanks.. so what im asking for is.. which i know is a lot.. if some of you folks who do image and have all the bits and pieces already in your posession.. to guide me to a list of items i'd need.. from cables, to devices, to software, to anything..

ps. i did read the sticky regarding autoguiding with SkyWatcher mounts but didnt understand half of it.. =(..

thanks a million people.. =)


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