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Observatory diso


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Looks good, but I know what you mean about a cosy looking obsy still being very cold! My POD is starting to get very chilly now.

Is that the Astronomy Now moonmap I see behind the flight case? I got one of those for my obsy wall, together with a couple of other AN posters they had on their site (the night sky one, and a Messier one). I had them all laminated for about £15, cos I figured they'd last longer. The night sky poster really isn't all that useful for me, as an imager, because it's based around star-hopping, but it looks pretty. I can recommend both the posters to anybody who's seen the ads and is considering them. :)

(Oh, and Alan - I was attacked by a hedgehog when out with the scopes one night. Well, I say attacked, but really I just heard him wandering around on the deck!)

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I asked at our local Kenroy Thompson, but they quoted about £50 to do it and said it would take a week (!) so I tried a local place called Bretonside Copy (Plymouth SGLers might know it). They did it the same day, and did a lovely job. Because of that, I never got as far as Staples to find out, but if they charge a lot more, it might almost be worth posting your posters to Bretonside, as they really did mine very nicely. Otherwise I'm sure you'll have a local company that can do it - somewhere that does reprographics or produces maps might offer the service.

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