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Gina's Observatory - The Build


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Have to agree.... the DSLR images are good, and IMO all that's needed. Cutting out the web cam images would also make this thread load up quicker to the new posts.
Fair comment and it would save me some effort selecting and processing the webcam images in the evening. I have to say, I too was thinking there were too many of them anyway.

What I might do instead is to convert the images to time-lapse videos and upload these to Photobucket. I'll have to sort out how best to do them. ATM the images are stored in a number of separate folders. As I filled up the small HD on the webcam PC, I moved them to a big HD on my main desktop. Generally they are in batches of a few GB each. Photobucket have a limit of 10mins running time and 500MB per video. I think they would want to be a shorter time each anyway - maybe a couple of minutes. Also, I think major periods of inactivity (build-wise) want cutting out so that the videos show pretty much continuous activity.

One thought is to do videos for each day on a daily basis and also combined ones lasting longer and covering several days at a time. I'll have to experiment.

All your comments/suggestions welcome :icon_confused:

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I have really enjoyed watching the progress of your observatory Gina, and watching the webcam. I do agree though that there are too many shots from the webcam with not a lot of difference between them.

I will have to see what the videos are like before I can comment on that.


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I have really enjoyed watching the progress of your observatory Gina, and watching the webcam. I do agree though that there are too many shots from the webcam with not a lot of difference between them.

I will have to see what the videos are like before I can comment on that.


I don't think there are any webcam pics worth posting today. I spent the time either inside or outside the south warm room wall out of sight. There are probably some images of me coming and going but I won't bother posting those - IMV only shots of actual things being done are worth posting. I agree I've probably overdone the image posting in the past :icon_confused:

I'll have a go at the videos later and post links.

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Today's Progress.

Good weather today with plenty of sunshine and I've got some more done. Quite a lot of clearing up of assorted odds and ends of wood, various packaging, pieces of rubber and vapour barrier and numerous other bits and pieces. But some actual progress too - the warm room south window, which has been covered with vapour barrier until today. Have a pane of acrylic sheet in place, held by strips of wood and a plastic window sill. Still have some more strips to screw on inside but it should keep the wet out if it rains before I finish sealing it.

No photos today - well not yet. I've just looked out and it's a clear night - Jupiter is shining brightly, the crescent moon has now set and there are hundreds of stars to be seen. So I shall be off out to the obsy a bit later to see what I can do. I have a temporary source of power in the form of an extension lead from the house. I'll be running the mount off my car jump starter.

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First Light on Jupiter :rolleyes::icon_confused:

Found it quite easily both visual and with DSLR in the viewfinder. Changed to 2.5x Barlow and still got it. The nice solid mounting makes an enormous difference - I can actually focus the scope - it doesn't move all over the place. The focuser is still too coarse but I can use it ;) If I could arrange reduction gearing it wouldn't be too bad, even though it is a rack and pinion. I'll post photos later.

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First Light on Jupiter :rolleyes::icon_confused:

Found it quite easily both visual and with DSLR in the viewfinder. Changed to 2.5x Barlow and still got it. The nice solid mounting makes an enormous difference - I can actually focus the scope - it doesn't move all over the place. The focuser is still too coarse but I can use it ;) If I could arrange reduction gearing it wouldn't be too bad, even though it is a rack and pinion. I'll post photos later.

Awesome Gina! You must be very happy? :(

Not that far from you and was clear all day but damned clouds everywhere now!

Looking forwards to seeing some pics and looking forward to starting my Obsy now!



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Clear skies here too I have the SW130 so similar(ish) to your Celestron scope, however the supatrak mount is not particularly sturdy and tracking objects is to be blunt not so precise! So I envy you the NEQ6 mount. Would love to see an imaging result on Jupiter particuarly if yuo use the SPC900NC so I can compare to my feeble efforts :icon_confused:

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A few things came out of tonight's session :-

1. The solid scope mounting makes an enormous difference. It is now possible to focus the scope and it doesn't wobble all over the place.

2. The roll off roof is easy to move by hand and fold down flap likewise.

3. The scope needs collimating.

4. Spherical aberration is evident so is chromatic aberration and the field is far from flat over the size of the DSLR image sensor. But what else can you expect from a scope and mount bundle costing around £130?

I'll try using a webcam next time and also get the mount properly set up and tracking - tonight's shots were taken with an unpowered mount and nudging the scope with the mount locks partly on to keep the object in view. I found the battery in the power pack was flat so didn't have mount power. I'll be getting a mains power unit shortly.

Here is a DSLR image of Jupiter and moons taken this evening. It looked better in the viewfinder :icon_confused: And I'm sure I saw 4 moons.


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Awesome Gina! You must be very happy? :rolleyes:

Not that far from you and was clear all day but damned clouds everywhere now!

Looking forwards to seeing some pics and looking forward to starting my Obsy now!



Yes, it's the first time I've seen Jupiter's moons for myself. And the planet as a disc rather than a bright dot in the sky. I didn't expect much with a DSLR and no tracking on. About a second was the maximum exposure without showing a trail.

Like with you, the clouds came over while I was indoors warming up - it's quite a cold night, and that was my session over. Never mind, I should be better prepared next time. The obsy is only barely ready for use. Bare is the operative word - unfurnished, no fixed lighting, no... :icon_confused:

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Clear skies here too I have the SW130 so similar(ish) to your Celestron scope, however the supatrak mount is not particularly sturdy and tracking objects is to be blunt not so precise! So I envy you the NEQ6 mount. Would love to see an imaging result on Jupiter particuarly if yuo use the SPC900NC so I can compare to my feeble efforts :icon_confused:
The tripod and mount supplied with my scope were pretty poor and really the worst parts of the kit. I plan to run webcams shortly, both the Philips SPC900NC and the MS LifeCam. I think the Philips is more sensitive but the MS has smaller pixels in its sensor. I got some images of Saturn early in the year with the LifeCam, with the scope on its own mount and tripod but with my improved motor drive. I'm hoping to do rather better with my current set up.
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Now that is what i would call first light. congratulations

How many of us actually waited until we fully finished the obs before having a sneaky tryout if it was clear? i know i never.

my first light was the night Mars was at it closest and i had the tripod standing on upturned 5 galon paint pots as my walls were to high. it now sits on a titan field pier on top of three piers and before you ask yes it is solid. the obs took another two weekends before it was done.

It is not more time on Jupiter you need it is less try 500th of a second if not even less you might just be surprised.

I know you do not need to be told this but this is just encouragement. as i have been at this pont in the build twice now and have been distarcted from the tasks in hand. stand back and make note on what needs doing to get it complete then prioratise the tasks

for me i think that No1 priority wpold be getying the rest of the thing watertight. one thing i would look at as part of that as well is the ground immediately outside the door at present it seems to gather water outside the door which is then dragged inside, that at present is a source or water getting in the obs that will need to be addressed otherwise it will always have moisture in there and you don't want that.

then get that ship lap coated in wood preservative ASAP. 3 or 4 coats if poss it should be good for at least two years then you will not regret it later. if there are gaps in the shiplap get them filled. i know the vapor wrap is there but if you can ensure that there is no water it has less chance of water getting in and wind WILL drive the rain through.

Do you plan to cover the internal walls or leave the beams open?

if you are and they are rough sawn timber get some gaffer tape on the beams you find yourself catching hold of or get the scope back pout and sand them down less splinters then. these are all thing i have had to contend with and overcome at later dates. by posting this now i hope you will be aware of some thing to keep you eye on.

any way i love the build and watch it every day. deep breath and go again your nearly there.

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Now that is what i would call first light. congratulations
Thank you Grahame ;)
How many of us actually waited until we fully finished the obs before having a sneaky tryout if it was clear? i know i never.

my first light was the night Mars was at it closest and i had the tripod standing on upturned 5 galon paint pots as my walls were to high. it now sits on a titan field pier on top of three piers and before you ask yes it is solid. the obs took another two weekends before it was done.

Absolutely :( The weather forecast was for some clear weather last night then mainly a week of rain and cloud. So felt I had to take advantage of it even if I wasn't really ready :icon_confused:
It is not more time on Jupiter you need it is less try 500th of a second if not even less you might just be surprised.
Yes, I noticed that on the photos :rolleyes: But I did take some shorter exposures. The disc sharpened up and the moons disappeared.
I know you do not need to be told this but this is just encouragement. as i have been at this pont in the build twice now and have been distarcted from the tasks in hand. stand back and make note on what needs doing to get it complete then prioratise the tasks

for me i think that No1 priority wpold be getying the rest of the thing watertight. one thing i would look at as part of that as well is the ground immediately outside the door at present it seems to gather water outside the door which is then dragged inside, that at present is a source or water getting in the obs that will need to be addressed otherwise it will always have moisture in there and you don't want that.

Yes, I realise that and planning to do something about it. Wants some slatted boards or something to stop the mud. The building structure is waterproof - have had rain and none came in ;)
then get that ship lap coated in wood preservative ASAP. 3 or 4 coats if poss it should be good for at least two years then you will not regret it later. if there are gaps in the shiplap get them filled. i know the vapor wrap is there but if you can ensure that there is no water it has less chance of water getting in and wind WILL drive the rain through.
Been painting wood preserver on the shiplap and other bits this morning. Pretty well all done except the fixed part of the east obsy wall. It's raining now so can't finish it ATM. The shiplap is fairly good quality - there are just two places in the whole building where knots have come out and left holes, both in the east wall - I'll fill them..
Do you plan to cover the internal walls or leave the beams open?

if you are and they are rough sawn timber get some gaffer tape on the beams you find yourself catching hold of or get the scope back pout and sand them down less splinters then. these are all thing i have had to contend with and overcome at later dates. by posting this now i hope you will be aware of some thing to keep you eye on.

I'm going to cover all the walls and warm room roof. I've already bought a pile of 6mm plywood for it. I have a couple of full sheets and some odd bits of 11mm OSB too. Thanks for the advice :)
any way i love the build and watch it every day. deep breath and go again your nearly there.
Thanks :) Yes, I'll be plodding on with it. I can do it if it's raining now I'm working on the inside.
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Today's Progress.

Fine and dry morning so was able to work outside. Having had reasonably dry weather for a while and with rain forecast from this afternoon, for most of the week, I decided to apply wood preserver to the shiplap and other exposed wooden parts. All except the fixed part of the east obsy wall finished before lunch and then the rain came and stopped further application of wood preserver.

Took a few DSLR photos of the finished walls.

I also selected a few webcam images of me applying wood preserver which I uploaded to Photobucket. If anyone would like to see them you can visit my album at this URL :- Login to a private Photobucket.com album

I think this will give everyone access but please let me know if not.




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It's asking for a password when clicking on that Photobucket link. But I think it's a better idea to do it this way. The thread will still load faster and who wants can go see the album.

It is coming along very nicely now, Gina. Looks like a proper obsy now with all the walls up. ;-)

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It's asking for a password when clicking on that Photobucket link. But I think it's a better idea to do it this way. The thread will still load faster and who wants can go see the album.
Ah... I did wonder but thought as it doesn't need a PW for the individual pics it might not for the album. Actually, when I first started uploading the pics I created a public album called Observatory. I thought I was uploading to that album but found out later that they were going into my main album instead. By the time I discovered the mistake I had already uploaded several days pics and linked to them so decided to leave it.

I'll sort something out. A few options...

1. Move any private pics to another album and make that one public.

2. Use the Observatory public album for any future webcam images.

3. Give members here the password to the private album.

I think I favour option 2.

It is coming along very nicely now, Gina. Looks like a proper obsy now with all the walls up. ;-)
Yes, thank you :rolleyes: Looks much more finished now the walls are no longer bare wood. My obsy has "gone green" :icon_confused:
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Hi Gina, regarding mud outside the obsy.

I have to walk accross my lawn to get to my observatory, and I put down paving stepping stones accross the lawn, they have proved to be very successful, I don't get mud in the observatory and I don't get mud in the house either (just so long as the dog doesn't squat on them and I can't see in the dark! :icon_confused:)


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Gina - really pleased you've actually seen something from the obsy. Once you get your power sorted out you'll be spending lots more time there I'm sure.:icon_confused::hello2::rolleyes:
Thank you ;) Yes, I expect you're right :( I put my little table of miscellaneous eyepieces, webcams, Pentax lenses and various adapters in the obsy. I also put a small desk in the warm room to use temporarily until I get the warm room insides done. I'll put the odd PC, keyboard, mouse and monitor on it plus a few other things no doubt ;)

I did that before the rain came, now it's pouring with rain and blowing a gale! I'm expecting to go back out after lunch and/or when the rain eases off. May do some inside fitting out.

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Hi Gina, regarding mud outside the obsy.

I have to walk accross my lawn to get to my observatory, and I put down paving stepping stones accross the lawn, they have proved to be very successful, I don't get mud in the observatory and I don't get mud in the house either (just so long as the dog doesn't squat on them and I can't see in the dark! :icon_confused:)


Yes, that's exactly what I'm planning to do. I suppose I should have put the paving stones down before but I guess I got overcome by obsy building fever :rolleyes:
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Hi Gina just looking at the last photo and it coming on well ,

but with no windows in the warm room you canot see if it about to rain or just look at the sky with out leting all the heat out.

If you look carefully you'll see that there are two windows in the warm room - an 18"x24" one in the south wall and a long thin one in the north wall between the roll off running rail and the roof. There will also be a two foot square one in the door in the dividing wall so that I can see the scope from the warm room without opening the door.
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The rain's stopped and I've been out to the obsy and looked for leaks. There is one little gap where a small amount of rain has come in on the join between roll off and dividing wall at the bottom south side direct in the full blast of the SW gale blown rain we've had for a few hours today. Also, as expected, a small leak round the south warm room window where I haven't yet sealed it. No wet has come in along the roll off running rail or anywhere else so I'm quite pleased :rolleyes:

I have set up one of my Philips SPC900NC webcams on my netbook but it doesn't seem to be transmitting ATM - will check the wireless LAN link and FTP. Looks a nice sharp picture on the netbook ;) I think these webcams will work well for astro imaging as others have found. I should soon be able to check it on the scope.

Talking of webcams, I think the outdoor webcam has just about served it's purpose for showing the obsy build - the outside is virtually finished. Have a piece of wood to get for the door edge and put the door furniture on. There is also a bit of painting to do on the obsy window frame. Oh, and there's the paving stones from the house to go down and tidy up the footings with gravel.

AAMOF the PC running the outdoor webcam has stopped working since we had a power cut this morning - it won't boot up. It gives 4 short beeps - must look up what that means :icon_confused:

I have the jump starter (for running the mount) on charge ATM so will be playing with the mount goto and tracking later. I don't think there's much chance of clear skies any time now though :(

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Sorted out the FTP for the "Obsy Interior" webcam which is now working and occupying the webcam2 place on the weather station site.

Here :- http://ginad.org.uk/weathergd/g-weather.html

Image URL itself :- http://ginad.org.uk/weathergd/webcam/webcam2.jpeg

The main webcam is still off-line.

The power pack for the mount is charged and I have been running the mount motors with the synscan control. The moon popped out from behind the clouds for a few minutes earlier but then it clouded over again. Could possibly get the odd bit of clear sky tonight.

I'll fix the leak in the south side roll off end and seal up the warm room window when the weather permits.

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