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Leo triplet plan

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Last night the sky was awful here. My guide star was all over the place because of the wobbly seeing but it picked up for the last three 10 minute subs. I ended up getting this image:-


This was taken with the ED80 and Atik 16HR through a CLS filter.

Now the plan is as follows.

The above image will be used only to align all the stuff that follows.

I intend to image the three bits seperately in LRGB through the Newt. as this will give me a bigger image scale and faster subs.

Even the L data could be binned making it quicker still as the Newt. will give a suitable level of detail for this image.

The RGB could be binned 4X, I'm not sure about this yet.

Any input about the proposal?

Comments welcomed chaps and chapesses.

Captain Chaos

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CaptainCahos, if you are going to do a mosaic, won't the parts of the original frame that will not be in the separate enhancements stand out and ruin the composition? It would be a pity for the background stars to ruin the whole effect.

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The plan is to cover the whole of the original with higher resolution panes. I can use the original as a template and use Maxim to align the better bits very accurately to the template before throwing it away. The hard bit with mosaics is the lining up of all the bits, this gives me an overview of the thing that I can use. Each pane will be roughly 1/5th full size, but I'll only need the good stuff (RGB) where the galaxies are, the rest can be a mono luminance only.

Captain Chaos

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Good Luck with the plan CC, I'm sure you will crack it and we look forward to seeing the end product. It all seems a bit complicated to me though, and I am not sure I would have the stickability and fortitude to see it all through.

Cheers Ron. :D

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Well this has maybe got a bit postponed. I was going to have a crack tonight but couldn't get my head straight with it. My youngest has had to go into the hospital (with his mum), so don't hold your breath guys. It's nothing too serious, he is diabetic and we can't get him sorted, so they have assumed that we are idiots (and can't work out how much insulin he needs) and they've taken over.

Rest assured, I know where the triplet live, I will get them one day.

Captain Chaos

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Well this has maybe got a bit postponed. I was going to have a crack tonight but couldn't get my head straight with it. My youngest has had to go into the hospital (with his mum), so don't hold your breath guys. It's nothing too serious, he is diabetic and we can't get him sorted, so they have assumed that we are idiots (and can't work out how much insulin he needs) and they've taken over.

Rest assured, I know where the triplet live, I will get them one day.

Captain Chaos

So sorry to hear that CC. Of course the priority is your young un. Hope he is home again soon. We

can wait for the trips.


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Hope your young'un is better soon.

My dearest friend is diabetic and however strict she is with her diet and insulin she tends to "trip out" every once in a while. Nothing that the Doc's can't sort out though.

All the best


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Hope the littl'n gets sorted and better soon matey :shock: Have y'self a drink o somthin settlin. I go all squirty when one o the cat's go down the vets - don't think I'd be very good with REAL HUMAN children; don't own enough underwear for the job.

Take it easy :D

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CC, sounds like a good idea to use the newt and go for a higher res image. Can't remember the details of your scope. Have you tried using Ron Wodaski's CCD FOV calculator to work out how many frames you will need? I don't think mono backgrounds and coloured targets look very natural though. Think you will need to put at least a little colour into the background.

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Checked it out using Starry Night Pro MB. Two or three frames is all I'll need so the widefield (ish) ED80 image will be the scaffolding and the Newt. stuff will do the rest. My guess at five was way out as I'd forgotten that FOV doesn't change with binning.

Boy is now fixed, magical transformation with fresh insulin. Somebody accidentally changed it even though the consultant medic said it absolutely doesn't go off. Biggest laugh was that the boy went off on one at the staff. They offered him Rice Crispies with sugar sprinkled on for breakfast. "Are you trying to kill me!" was his response. :D

Captain Chaos

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Boy is now fixed, magical transformation with fresh insulin. Somebody accidentally changed it even though the consultant medic said it absolutely doesn't go off.

Captain Chaos

Glad he is feeling better - did he enjoy the GP (Superbikes was more exciting :D)

My friend (mentioned above) seems to be susceptible to even changes in the brand of her Insulin. However, the last time she had problems the diabetic clinic had got her to try a new pen type injector. It turned out that it didn't prime properly and she was only getting half a dose!! :shock: (She's a Hospital Pharmacy Tech)!!


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