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Hi Roger.... another lovely image and taken from less than 5 minutes from where I live :D

Having just set out on the rather steep upward slope that is Astro Photography, I would love to see what images you have taken with your Canon 350D (having just purchased one myself). It would help to set my Benchmark of what I should be aiming for.

I think I still need to purchase a few more bits and bobs in the mean time, like a reducer, a wedge and a lead or 2 to connect to the laptop (more money...) :D


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no prob themos , i guess it does depend on what monitor you see these images on , in actual fact i only gave it the smallest of tweaks, in sharpening, normally dont have to do this , but as i said the seeing was bad last night hence the outer arms showed little promise, so a tweak had to be done to show this ,but thanks for giving honest comment



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whoops sorry elijah , as yet i have not used the Canon , my interest at the moment is CCD work using the Atik 16HR , i think we will have probs around here with straight colour images , having ownd a colour CCD , i pound it totally useless with this light pollution, so i stay at the moment with mono imaging and LRGB


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Blood sweat and tears Trudie believe me ehehhhehe

Rog how long would does it take to get a image like that. Not talking the years of experience you have put in, just on the night. From setting up to final process?

Another brilliant pic...inspiring

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Hi Chubs , the setting up with the EQ6PRO takes about 5 mins thats fitting the scope on ,and star aligning, then i slip in the camera, pop in my co-ords for my first target , then spend at least 3 or 4 mins sometimes longer on focus , this i do only with my eye ,until the stars are really pin point on the screen, ,then have to centre the object , , once thats done i run a 25 sec sub , to make sure focus is ok , if all is ok , then set the exposure time to how long i want it, in the case of M81 it was set for 1 min first , then gradually knocked it up to 3 mins, as i said this is about 2 hrs worth of exposure time . when all the frames are done i then process it , this takes on average of an hour . so all in all , 3 hours plus i guess, M81 is a very hard Galaxy to do , some nebs are easy and the time is a lot shorter , depends really on how the sky is and how much process work is need


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