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Am I doing something wrong?

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I've been trying to locate M31 using binos only tonight as its so clear, so I first found the great square, then towards Mirach and the mu and nu andromedae but when I try to look to the right side of the nu, as stated in Turn left at Orion, I get nothing. Not even a patch of fuzzy light :):confused:

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I have just been out to check and it's still there :)

but seriously it was visible even with the moon and 7x36 bins.

from the square, start at the correct corner (Alpheratz - which points at Perseus) and to Mirach - there's a dimmer star in between Mirach and Alpheratz (delta).

in the bins, from Mirach go 'up' one bright star and you'll then see a rough kite/diamond shape and M31 is the fuzzy star at the top of that diamond shape.

hope this helps.

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Depends where you are.

M31 is generally regarded as an easy object to find, but if you have bad light pollution, you will struggle to see anything.

I'm 15 miles from London and it is virtually impossible to see in anything smaller than a 6" newt.

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The light pollution isn't terrible where I live and I was able to pick out the right constellations and everything.

My bins are 8x40.... was a bit annoyed as the nu andromadae has a higher magnitude but I was able to pick it out

I'll try again tonight if the weather holds

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I can see that there is a star immediatly to the left of M31 but to be honest I have never registered it when looking at/for M31.

I tend to get to Mirach then look for Mu (assume it is mu) and then simply carry o up that line.

Another option is to locate Cassiopeia, and using the steep V of Cassiopeia use this as an arrow which points to M31. Cassiopeia is easier to locate then Pegasus.

M31 is never obvious but is easily observed even in 8x42 binoculars. I think that most of the problem is simply knowing what it is that you are having to look for.

Start with your eyes only, they will often show an odd fuzzy patch which binoculars can miss.

Oddly I have never read anything that say locate Nu and M31 is just to the right, everything I have says Mirach to Mu and project this virtual line. Makes me wonder if you have picked up the wrong star as Nu ?

If you locate M31 by Mirach -> Mu, then try Mu -> Mirach and project about the same distance (bit more) that direction. M33 may be visible, but it is DIM.

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I'll try with Cassiopeia then, see if I have any luck.

Well like I said I'm following Turn Left at Orion and star hopping starting with Alpheratz then going to Mirach then Mu and up to Nu just because its located next to M31 so thought it would be easier

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It took me ages to find it the first time, but once I found it I can go straight to it with bins without searching... strange that :)

It is strange but a lot of objects are like this.

They can take many nights to find then once found......bang! centre of the eyepiece every time afterwards.

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M31 is a naked eye object from a dark site - but the key is knowing where to look. When you see it in binocs it's unmistakable as a fuzzy patch.

I find it by extending a line from the bottom right of the great square in pegasus through the top left star and a little bit further. Take another line from the pointy bit of cassiopiea straight down to the the previous line. M31 is pretty well right where they cross - scan tightly round that area and you can't miss it :)

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