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Right Angle Finderscope with rotating eyepiece??

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I have a Skywatcher Mak 127 which came with a 6x30 right angle finderscope.

I had difficulty in finding targets with the supplied finderscope and changed to a MRF red dot finder which I found a huge help.

From my researches I discovered that some astronomers fit both kinds of finder scope to help with star hopping target location and I am currently in the process of doing this.

However what I have found is that when searching some areas of the sky the 6 x 30 RA finderscope gets itself into some pretty awkward viewing positons.

My question is - "Does anyone produce an optical right angle finderscope with what might be called a rotating eyepiece?"

The finder eyepiece could then be rotated to match the orientation of the Mak's rotating viewing eyepiece.

The current S/W eyepiece can be rotated in its holder but alignment is by no means guaranteed.

Many thanks for any help or thoughts.


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I assume that your Skywatcher 127 has the dovetail bar bolted direct to the scope ?. If you used tube rings and a dovetail bar to hold the scope onto the mount you could loosen the rings and rorate the whole scope tube to bring both the finder and the eyepiece to a more accessible position. Might cost less than a new finder.

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Many thanks for your interest!!

Am I right in thinking your arrangement is similiar to the following?:-


I am presuming that you would need to slacken off the holding screws and rotate the scope orientation to suit - do you then need to realign with the main scope or if you are careful will the finderscope still be on target?

It may be that if I am planning on viewing an "awkward" part of the sky I will simply have to accept the fact that realignment is required!!



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I assume that your Skywatcher 127 has the dovetail bar bolted direct to the scope ?. If you used tube rings and a dovetail bar to hold the scope onto the mount you could loosen the rings and rorate the whole scope tube to bring both the finder and the eyepiece to a more accessible position. Might cost less than a new finder.


An interesting solution I hadn't thought of that!! - Remove the existing dovetail, fit S/W 140mm tube rings and refit dovetail bar to rings - and then fit the whole scope to the EQ3 mount. (Total cost approx £25)

Then slacken the tubes to rotate to the most comfortable orientation!

This may be the answer!!

Is my thought process OK??



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Many thanks for some really helpful solutions - I just need to decide which one will suit me best.

The tube rings currently have the appeal of cost and the fact that the alignment of the scope with the finder/s will be guaranteed - the finder/s would also always be towards the top of the scope for easier viewing.

But I am also beginning to like the idea of a correct image optical finder which would complement the MRF red dot for ease of target location and star hopping - compatability with star chart orientation would also appeal.

Once again SGL has come to the rescue!!!

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Hi Robin,

Don't rush out & buy the 140mm rings until you've read this thread:


Sirius B

Thanks for drawing my attention to the thread!! - I had obtained the 140mm tube ring size from another SGL thread.

However I will carefully re-visit the relevant threads before proceeding!! - the Orion 144ID tube rings may be the way forward (their Starmax 127 looks very much like the Skywatcher Mak 127 !!)

Company Seven | Orion StarMax™ 127 Maksutov-Cassegrain Telescope

...and their 144 tube rings seem to be made for it:-

Orion Telescopes: 144mm ID Orion Telescope Tube Rings

One wonders if the Skywatcher 144mm tubes would also fit directly??

- I will check with suppliers to make sure before parting with the readies - thanks for the word of caution!!


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An update:-

Iv'e ordered the Orion 144mm tube rings from SCS Astro - they seem to be made for the Synta Mak 127 type scope - not cheap (£30) but they should fit without any modification. Should be with me in 7 - 10 days.

Once again many thanks for all the advice.


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I prefer to try to mount any finder on the AXIS of the main scope's weight - Tube rings, dovetail bars, whatever.

Never quite understood - historical reasons? imposing visuals? - WHY finders need be located where they are... :(

Currently have: TS 60mm Sucher geradsichtig - mit Halter - 2' Helical Auszug(!) on order (See 50/80mm variants).

Standard (reticle!) eyepieces, wide/narrow field versatility. Preferred suspension. A bit more "grunt"? We'll see... :)

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