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HELP! I accidentally took an EP apart


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I just got a filter and I was messing about with it, attaching it to my 2" SW Panaview 32mm and I unscrewed the wrong part and the lenses fell out. I managed to keep some in, but 2 lenses and a plastic ring fell out and I don't know how they go back in. Can anyone help me?


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i think they go back in with the two curved sides facing each other, BUT, you can also just wait until tonight and try out different combinations until you get a nice view of the stars again :icon_scratch: dont panic lol, ive done the same before and im certain many more have too :)

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Thanks for the tips guys.

i think they go back in with the two curved sides facing each other

Can anyone confirm this? I wanted to avoid trial and error as I understand there's a risk of getting them stuck, so was hoping to get it right the first time.

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If the eyepiece is a Plossl then strongest curves should be facing each other inwards, the plastic ring goes in between them to stop the lenses coming into contact. I find it's best to stack the components in the right order on a piece of card, lower the eyepiece body over them, pick the card up and turn the whole lot over then replace any retaining ring.

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Following the other suggestions I looked up different designs and thought I had it figured out. I put it all back together, but it rattled. I'm really confused as to where the extra space has came from, but I took it back apart anyway and tried a different configuration and it still rattled. It definitely didn't do this before. Looks like I'm just going to have to replace it so that's around £80 down the crapper :rolleyes:

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Suspect that when the first 2 came out the others moved a bit and one of the spacer rings below now has the space to move.

You could gently push/tap down on the one at the top and hope that the push causes the lower ones to drop down a bit.

Or remove the two again and then press down on the lower items, as this is a bit more direct it may be more successful.

There was probably a spacer ring below the lower lens and this is most probably the one that has moved.

To "press" down I can only thinkof a cotten wool bud, I have used them in the past on a planetary (5 lens). They do/can however leave fibres of cotten wool around.

Will say don't be too afraid, glass doesn't shatter just by looking at it or breathing on it. I have glass lens in my glasses, easily 5 years old, cleaned by lots of breath, any old tissue (bog) and bits of whatever shirt I am wearing. No scratches, marks and the single laywer AR coating is perfect still. So not the delicate material I keep reading about.

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