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Best night this year!

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Used my new EQ5 Pro for the first time last night! After using Polar Finder and a 3 star alignment I was off like a rocket!! M27,M11,M39,M81 (new),M3 M92,M53 (new),M63,M51 (new)M57 and M102 (new) didn't see M101 or M20 though!

Split Mizor, Polaris and Rasalgethin no problem! Probably my best nights watching this year! Then Jupiter to finish off my night! Lots of meteors in the W and NW which added to the night!!:)

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Great night there, i was also very pleased with my own "tour" of the sky.

I had a little list in my head as to what i wanted to look at and i knew i had another but could not think as to what it was, after reading your post it came back to me...Mizor...i wanted to see if i could split Polaris and Rasalgethin as well!

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Kept checking out the window last night but every time i did the visibility got slightly worse :)

Last chance was around 12:30am this morning, but no, still poor visibility.

The frustrating part being I could still just about see Jupiter through the thin cloud.

Hopefully it might clear a bit this week.


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Sounds like a good night gents :icon_scratch:

I'm off this week looking after our kids during their summer holidays, so I'm hoping for a clear night or two since I don't have to get up early for work. Cloudy last night, but a lovely clear sky this morning :)

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I returned home yesterday evening around 10.30 pm from a weekend away. Had just completed hour drive and was greeted with wall to wall clear skies :icon_scratch:. I scurried to the shed and set up both scopes and went in for a quick cuppa while scopes cooled down. Returned back out at 11pm to wall to wall cloud :)

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sounds like some of you had some bad luck with the clouds. luckily when i viewed jupiter at just past midnight there was no cloud. this makes a change as to be honest since i bought the scope in june i have probably managed to use it less than 10 times

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Had a couple of cloud free hours here in Fife too from 2230 to 0030. I packed the deckchair and the tripod with the bins and off to my nearest dark site, it was great. Although the two guys in the landrover who stumbled across me sitting in a deckchair in a beauty spot car park after midnight probably thought I'd lost my mind :?

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