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lum and red jupiters High resolution

neil phillips

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Both from july 31st my first attempts this year

Tried a luminence with the Televue 5x powermate

at 1230mm focal length. processed on k3 x2, downsized, reg wavelets using denoise, analyzer and gimp for tweaks.



Again the televue 5x powermate but this time with the filter wheel in place so higher magnification still, im not sure exactly what, but around the 15 meter mark i think. red channel Astronomik type 2

processed only on v6 this time, and not gaussian with no denoise used. noise conttrol image analyzer. Minimal sharpening

100% capture size 03:26 UT This may well be the nicest Red at the highest power of jupiter ive ever taken, since starting all this back in 1999. seeing as jupiter is not yet at its best im quite excited by this


Celestron Ultima and tube extension red 04:01 UT lower focal length resized, stronger sharpening, showing more detail, but slightly less natural than the red above


RRGB TV 5X Powerrmate about 15 meters focal length resized 3:35UT


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Hi Freddy yes i started quite low and early about 0300 hours, so decided to do low power in IR742 i knocked off about 12 shots at this low power in IR, being so early most of them are a little suspect. But of course, haveing a run means i can make a animation, which im now building as we speak. on image 7 of that

The IR742 will improve a lot when i get the new IS cam next week. was a little concerned to hear from you that you could only get 60 fps at 1/72 secs exposure. very odd. I wonder if my camera will do the same. its not a huge problem with 14" Optics as there is more light give.

But at 245 mm primary, i suspect 1/60 secs exp would be better. helping to keep gain down. I wonder if its a commputer usb speed problem Freddy. i wonder if fire capture might give 60 fps at 1/60 secs exp ?

But anyways im going to experiment a lot with the camera. at 30 fps, i will at last be able to keep the gain down for smooth large noise free images. well thats the theory anyway. BUT 60 FPS Is on the table too. oh yeah lunar, thats going to be fun at 12 meters FL

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Hi Rob no it was just a red channel, the reason its showing a little more detail i think is because, the Focal length was lower with lower gain, enabling me to sharpen more without awful noise creeping in. at about 15 meters focal length and only a 245 mm primary, and the ( Dare i say old ) DMK 21 gain is maxed out. the signal or histogram is weak. so any attempt to heavily sharpen shots like that produce way to much noise. I prefer to leave those what i would call, as fas as i can push the equipment type shots. slightly under sharpened. I agree the shot you mention is showing more detail. but doesnt really look as natural as the 15 meter shot. which if im honest, i feel very pleased about, because im sure the only failings that shot has, are ones of equipment, meaning the camera isnt good enough. soon to change next week. I do love detail, but im known for being obsessed about over sharpening on some shots. prefering it to look like a smooth planet in orbit. rather than revealing, every last drop of detail. The good thing about this july 31st attempt Rob, was i have shots that i can do both with, detail and natural high resolution. probably the best first early try of jupiter ive ever had. Not often im happy. but this has really set me looking foward to the next few weeks. ps Just looked at your website love the jupiter and saturn shots there. very nice quality. just reading about your scope.

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Hi Karlo, yes this is the year my friend, for all in the uk, begginer, intermediate and old foggys. for those that love planetary imaging, its christmas, and birthday all at once i think.

what a time for technology to catch up with amatures, when jupiter is going to be so high for us, hey lets not forget venus. Anyone know when prospects for that are building ?

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Got yours before mine there Stuart. good call. its gonna amaze you,

Never tried a powermate before, and yes im very impressed, Hey Bird uses this, nuff said.

15 meters really puts the pressure on the intire system. The camera dont like it. the mount dont like it. the collimation hates it. so collimation must be reasonable here. i actually reset collimation just before i went out. in the morning i checked and its slightly off. but getting better may mean risking worse. considering these shots, think ill lieave alone for a bit, and just align the primary and secondary with tweaks in the feild. I think the powermate and the new IS cam are going to be strong together. Hell the old DMK seems to like it. but it just aint up to the job of 15 meters or even 12 come to that ( no filter wheel ) Keep shooting into daylight Stauart about 04:45 untill 05;00 might be the magic time, i think it was on my footage. Dont be dissapointed if seeing doesnt go your way, dont make judgments untill seeing is good, and you have learned to use the thing well. i would say def try 30 fps, and 60 fps about 8 meters as a start maybe ? If theres anything you want to know about the camera, ask away, ill try and help. Good luck hope it goes well.

Many thanks WP

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LOL John, that was funny. you can tell im enjoying myself already cant you. Its been a while since i got excited about astronomy, im feeling that buzz already. what with the new cam coming. and the first early trys. powermate acutally looking usefull which i didnt expect so soon if at all. when are you giving jupiter your attention John. Boy cant wait to see what you do. you started quite late last year if i remember. you have time this year, to really pull out all the stops

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Busy with deep space atm but will begin in September when full moon approaches. Seeing looks good in Brisbane, the winter Jetstream is subsiding now. Left it too late last year and it was pretty high up too so will make up for it this time. Bet your excited about new ccd arriving.


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Got yours before mine there Stuart. good call. its gonna amaze you,

Never tried a powermate before, and yes im very impressed, Hey Bird uses this, nuff said.

15 meters really puts the pressure on the intire system. The camera dont like it. the mount dont like it. the collimation hates it. so collimation must be reasonable here. i actually reset collimation just before i went out. in the morning i checked and its slightly off. but getting better may mean risking worse. considering these shots, think ill lieave alone for a bit, and just align the primary and secondary with tweaks in the feild. I think the powermate and the new IS cam are going to be strong together. Hell the old DMK seems to like it. but it just aint up to the job of 15 meters or even 12 come to that ( no filter wheel ) Keep shooting into daylight Stauart about 04:45 untill 05;00 might be the magic time, i think it was on my footage. Dont be dissapointed if seeing doesnt go your way, dont make judgments untill seeing is good, and you have learned to use the thing well. i would say def try 30 fps, and 60 fps about 8 meters as a start maybe ? If theres anything you want to know about the camera, ask away, ill try and help. Good luck hope it goes well.

Many thanks WP

Thanks for the tips Neil. Just familiarising myself with the capture software.....looking pretty cloudy for the next few days lol

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